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Linda Miller

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My Holosync experience
1/19/2006 1:02:02 AM
Hello friends, When I find a good resource that really helps me, I always share it so that others may benefit also. One resource that I use every day is the Holosync Meditation Audio. It is the sound of heavy rain and beautiful "tones" with the underlying "Holosync Technology" that affects your brain in magnificent ways. That is the best way I can explain it. The FIRST time I listened to the 30 minute meditation, when I heard the rain I found myself sitting on a huge wooden porch in the middle of a jungle where it was raining really hard all around me. I was sitting in a porch swing with my husband Dennis and we were snuggled under a blanket, feeling warm and secure as the rain pounded down around us. All of a sudden, my son (who passed over in 2003) came walking around the corner of this huge wrap around porch - with a huge smile on his face. He didn't say anything. He just sat down in a chair next to me and looked at me. Then my husband was not present and it was just me looking at my handsome son and feeling so grateful for this opportunity to see him again. I had such a wonderful feeling of peace and joy, as if he were telling me all is well. Ahhhhh, that was wonderful and did my mother's heart so much good. The SECOND time I listened to Holosync, I was on the same porch in the same swing with the same rain pounding down all round us - and this time my son walked around the corner of the wrap around porch with my grandfather, his great grandfather, who passed over when I was 11, so my son Brian had never met him. I as so thrilled to see that they are together now. THEN my grandmother, whom Brian had also never met, came walking around the corner with a big smile on her face. It was such a wonderful confirmation to me that we DO get to see and be with our loved ones when we pass over. Since those first two times, I have not had that experience again, but I feel like Holosync is opening up all kinds of possibilities in my brain - if that makes any sense! You can get a FREE CD to experience a sample of this technology here: You can see my son's beautiful face at his memorial website here: Thanks for allowing me to share.
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Cheri Merz

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Re: My Holosync experience
1/19/2006 1:34:56 AM
Linda, I'm so glad you have brought this to everyone's attention again. As you know, I purchased the program after experiencing the free CD, right around Thanksgiving of last year. While I haven't had the very visual experiences you have had, I've received a great deal of benefit. It's much easier now to be at peace and in the flow of abundance. Before Holosync, I would have a negative thought cross my mind and get stuck in trying to banish it...of course focusing on it like that just kept it around. Now I'm able to just release it. My studies of Abraham's teachings, the Sedona Method and other writings concerning the Law of Attraction seem more integrated now, also. Among the benefits are the bonus CDs. I called the support folks to ask if I should be using the Awakening Prologue (the main program) while I'm ill, and they suggested I listen to the longevity cd--the one with affirmations to heal DNA. I started doing so while falling asleep, and have been able to quiet my cough all night so that I'm receiving the rest I need. Then in the morning I'm able to use the Awakening Prologue without coughing, also. I can't thank you enough for bringing this resource to my attention. It's exactly what I was looking for. Cheri
Pat Mathis

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Re: My Holosync experience
1/19/2006 1:51:57 AM
Hi Linda, Thanks for this info. I went to the site and ordered the cd. Sounds very good. I'll let you know. your friend, Pat ******************************************** VIDEO E-MAIL! WOW!! Take a look. You won't believe your eyes. "SEE" what it can do for you! Be the first to pioneer this great concept. As low as $9.95 per month. Check it out. You'll love it. Some may qualify for a Pre-Paid helloworld account for 30 days. Take a look here: This is what it's like. KOOL! SIGN UP HERE:
Re: My Holosync experience
1/19/2006 8:24:26 AM
Linda, Thanks for sharing the tape technology and about your beloved son. I am happy for you that you had the experiences you describe. Life is without limits (unless we place them there) Yours in Good Health & SUccess Dave
Tim Southernwood

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Re: My Holosync experience
1/19/2006 12:18:17 PM
Hi Linda. I am so very moved. What an incredibly beautiful, complex, and unique creature human kind is, that with a few paragraphs we can share with another human being so much of our passions, our griefs, our joyful experiences, and sense of wonder at the perfection of God's plan. I can't imagine the depth of the loss you must have felt, and I am so grateful that you shared with us this very personal look into your life. I also thank you for the information on the free demo CD. I think I'll take a look! Sincerely,
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