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The Love of Spirit
10/2/2013 1:05:52 PM

The Daily Meditation 10.02.2013

The Love of Spirit

Maria Dion, RScP

Maria Dion, RScPSitting in this moment, in this space, in this time, I know that I am surrounded by God. I know that God is the Presence, the Essence and the Power that is in back of everything. It is manifested in everything that breathes — every person, plant, animal — and everything that exists in creation. And the core of the Presence is Love. Love is the foundation of everything that exists. There is only Love. Love is the GIFT. Love engenders Success, Contribution, Harmony, Peace, Wisdom, Prosperity and Vibrancy. That Essence is an inextricable part of me; it is who I am, and it is who everyone is. The Love of Spirit is enfolding, surrounding and encompassing me in every moment and it is doing the same for every person reading this spiritual mind treatment and every person in existence. Each one of us is a perfect emanation of Spirit!

I affirm, declare, know and accept that I live a life of daily ecstasy, vibrant health, joyful peace, deep awareness and magnificent contribution! Everything we do is done by and through Spirit and we are Joy, Peace, Wisdom Abundance and Contribution in all of our endeavors. Each one of us IS a contribution in the world, is the GIFT. This contribution occurs in every part of our lives — with family and partners, with friends, at work with colleagues, in our Spiritual Community and in the world as we see it. We are God showing up in each and every moment!

I marvel at the changes that are underway and in the transformation that is at the heart of the external. That transformation is fueled by Love and makes each one of us a contributor and a contribution. We live, we love, we laugh and we learn — all together, as one, in the ONE.

I am so grateful for thie Truth and for the opportunity to KNOW it for everyone reading this! I acknowledge and appreciate the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living — El Rio Grande y Bravo del Norte!

I release this word into the canyon of the Law, and allow it to echo back the most perfect manifestation.

And so it is!

Maria Dion is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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