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Agnes Kivuvani

299 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Ralph White
1/26/2015 2:37:53 PM
Good morning Ralph. Hope you are doing well
Agnes - Certified eBusiness Consultant ==> Call me at 240-481-5648
Ralph White
1/27/2015 6:43:18 AM
Thanx For that Ralph. But thats theory. For so long I have strongly believed I am good at getting people to take action on anything .... but .... that is the area I have flopped most in. That is what the Gurus teach to keep people more confused in the search of success. In practice ..... you are what you DO, NOT WHAT YOU BELIEVE.
Danny Kuhlmann

387 Posts
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Ralph White
3/24/2015 1:28:54 AM If you co pay on meds is $10 or more you need this, we also have insurance for dental and glasses and pet meds, you can also do this job giving out free cards and making money helping people.
Ralph White
4/20/2015 2:30:43 PM
Hi Ralph Good Day for you and family a have a blessed week
Success breeds more success. A positive mindset with a positive attitude breaks you free from the herd in an instant. It took us a while but once we developed the right mindset and found the right mentors we wanted to emulate and follow, EVERYTHING changed for us. Mindset is everything in a business, If you are not mentally prepared for all the bumps in the road you WILL quit like the 98% of people before you. Mental strength and tenacity coupled with a strong support network almost guarantees your success.
Ralph White
4/20/2015 2:31:21 PM
Warren Buffett gave us some amazing advice when he told us never to depend on a single source of income. What's your back up when things go south? Will you be able to make ends meet if the company you own or work for collapses? You have residual bills why not a residual income? Take a look for free then join and start making money.
Success breeds more success. A positive mindset with a positive attitude breaks you free from the herd in an instant. It took us a while but once we developed the right mindset and found the right mentors we wanted to emulate and follow, EVERYTHING changed for us. Mindset is everything in a business, If you are not mentally prepared for all the bumps in the road you WILL quit like the 98% of people before you. Mental strength and tenacity coupled with a strong support network almost guarantees your success.

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