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Your Childs Protection
1/18/2006 4:34:45 PM
Hello everyone. This weeks Personal & Home Security tip is. Protecting Your Child It has been said that children are our most valuable resource. Therefore it is absolutely necessary, that we take positive measures to insure their safety and prevent them from becoming victims of crime. Parents... 1, Never leave children alone, not at home, in a vehicle, (specially somewhere like here in Southern Nevada, where day time Summer temps can make the inside of a vehicle rise to over 200 degree's Fahrenheit). Never leave them alone at play or Anywhere 2, Define what a STRANGER is. Let your kids know that just because they see someone everyday (e.g Mailman, Paperboy, Neighbour etc) it does not mean that these people are not Strangers 3, Teach your children their Full Name, your Full Name, their Full Address and Phone Number, including Area Codes. Teach them how to use a phone as early as possible. 4, Teach your children the "What if...?" Game, making up different dangerous situations that they might encounter and helping them play out, what they would do in that situation. 5, Take the time to talk to your children and be alert to any noticable changes in their behaviour or attitude toward an adult or teenager, it may be a sign of sexual abuse. 6, Set up procedures with your childs school or day center, as to whom your child will be released to, other than yourself, and what notification procedures they are to follow if the child does not show up on time. 7, Teach your children that their body is private and that no one has the right to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. If anyone touches them, or tries to touch them in a wrong way, they should shout or scream NO, GET AWAY FROM ME. Get them to understand that they must TELL SOMEONE they trust immediately. --------------------------------------------- For more tips, and the knowledge of what products to buy for Personal & Home Protection & Security. Please visit our Safetystore at. Pam & Tony's Personal & Home Security Store Your Security Friend in Las Vegas
Flag of Carla Carey

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Re: Your Childs Protection
1/18/2006 7:07:25 PM
HI Anthony, Thanks alot for posting all that vital information! I hope people pay heed to it. Take care, Carla ;)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: Your Childs Protection
1/18/2006 7:27:46 PM
yes.. thanks for the info.. I have to be very careful with my autistic daughter, because she doesn't understand. Or can call for help because she is still non-verbal.
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Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Your Childs Protection
1/18/2006 8:59:56 PM
Hi Tony, Thanks for that information, I have printed it out and am giving it to my son. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Your Childs Protection
1/18/2006 10:44:23 PM
Hi Carla. We all know, what we should do to protect our little ones. It is just a few gentle reminders that's all I have done. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.