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Cheri Merz

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Re: Thinking Like A Winner - by Brian Tracy
1/18/2006 6:50:56 PM
Tim, Some years ago, when I became a real estate agent, I heard the phrase "Fake it 'til you make it" time and time again. I had a strong negative reaction to the 'fake' part, and never understood the real meaning behind that. In fact, I'd venture to say that the people who were quoting it to me didn't really get it, either. It would have been so much more effective for my broker to have handed me a Brian Tracy book. As I caught up on reading so much that I had missed, I came to the realization that the answers are everywhere, if you care to look. The truth is the truth, no matter what words one chooses to express it. The truth is, we create our reality on a daily, even hourly or moment by moment basis, positive or negative. We have the power to choose it, either way. And we have the power to change it in an instant. Unfortunately, if we don't exercise that power, the negative stuff that surrounds us is often what is chosen by default. The story about the Cadillac is great. I've been wanting to go test-drive a new Porsche 4-wheel-drive vehicle. Even though I absolutely believe this story, I would probably allow fear to prevent me from buying it, absent someone forcing me. Guess I have a way to go. Thanks for another great read. By the way, do you have his book "Eat That Frog!"? Very enjoyable little treatise on procrastination. Cheri
Tim Southernwood

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Re: Thinking Like A Winner - by Brian Tracy
1/18/2006 11:16:47 PM
Hey Cheri. I'm like you in that the term "fake it" never sat well with me either. I heard it first, probably 15 years ago, with respect to the power of prayer (if you can believe that). People who had difficulty with the concept of a higher power were being told to pray regardless, and to fake it until they made it. You setting up this "self-help" plan over 50-60 years ago the originators had stumbled onto the key to what we've all been talking about lately, that inner talk, the subconscious reprogramming, ridding ourselves of the non-productive or even self-destructive behaviors through repetitive positive reinforcement. The subconscious absorbs what we tell it, which then eventually manifests those results in our lives. Prayer (whether one is a believer or not) is a powerful positive vibration in itself, and like many of these articles have pointed out, repeating these positive messages moves us into that positive sphere of being, and as we just read in Dave's forum, puts us in tune with the "source". No, I haven't heard of that book, "Eat That Frog", but I'm definitely going to look for it!
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Diana Briere

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Re: Thinking Like A Winner - by Brian Tracy
1/19/2006 12:17:11 AM
Hi Tim. This is the best forum I've come accross yet. Everything you have said in the first post are so true.I was born into a family of physical labourers both on my mothers side and fathers side. Mother had 10 brothers all self made carpenters who built their own homes and taught their boys to be carpenters. They all had beuatiful homes all payed for.They were all very negative homesteaders. My fathers family were more into the business of machanics and some sales. Easily swayed towards the negative. Now my sister gets married into a family with docters and nurses and very educated people. My sister and husband start a business with seven thousand dollars and built it up from scratch and she becomes an accountant.This with a grade 8 education.They have two children and they become nurses and everyone is saying they'll never make it. They arn't of nursing class. These determined girls get their nursing degree alone with no help from moms side because they think it's above their class. The oldest now on a trip to some for off land that she won from selling equipment to doctors and clinics and hospitals. She holds conferences and "She Had A Dream" She never let anyone stop her dream. She always said "I want to be somebody." And she did what it took to become somebody.Her children will now have a mother that will encourage them towards the positive to become somebodies too, and on down the line. Those of us who have to work on ourselves to get the positive going on in our heads have a lot of retraining to do.It can be done but it takes time to learn all this training and then determination like going out and buying the Caddilac and then darn well paying for it.This is just an insight that I have and no one as yet has said it as good as you Tim. Use what talent you possess: The woods would be very silent If no birds sang except Those that sang the best. A rock Pile ceases to be a rock pile The moment a single man contemplates it, Bearing within him the image of a Cathedral Thanks for listening and for this forum. From Diana
Allyson Lier

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Re: Thinking Like A Winner - by Brian Tracy
1/20/2006 9:31:48 PM
Hi Tim, What a great piece! I was thinking about how the Law of Reversibility is at work when I am not feeling very good and I get dressed up just to make myself feel better!! ;) I love Brian's work with these Universal Laws! Thanks for sharing. :) Namaste, Ally
Dee Winder

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Re: Thinking Like A Winner - by Brian Tracy
1/22/2006 7:52:32 AM
WOW!! That's all I can say.

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