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Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Click Fred E-mails with a Huge Loyalty Bonus!
9/22/2013 8:35:02 AM
WaaaaHoooo! Another 10 K Points!

Logins 11,050

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Click Fred E-mails with a Huge Loyalty Bonus!
9/26/2013 3:51:39 AM

I am happy to share with you my latest addition to the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses.

If you log in every day during the week, you will get this additional Login Weekly Bonus of 10,000 points!

join Click Fred E-mails
Ken Wolff

We are starting a new week:

Logins 150

Logins 300

Logins 450

Oops...I missed a day.

Logins 750
not so bad...I only missed posting...but did not logging in. I am still on track for my 10 K this week.
For the next 7 members who join I will transfer 100 credits to your account if you post a message in this thread showing your loyalty like above. I will do this for the previous 3 who joined as well. If at any point you upgraded to German Shephard I will transfer 500 points when you post a message here with your loyalty bonus.

You are invited to share your affiliate links and graphics in this forum. I am an affiliate of a lot of programs online. I do not promote these programs for the money but rather because I like sharing things that are of great value. The only way I am going to earn a commission is if you join and upgrade to a paid level or make a purchase. Since I am honestly not in this for the money, if I earn a commission that is greater than what it cost me for any program that I promote I will donate 100% of the profits to your favorite charity or to mine. I hope you will keep me busy making donations.

Click on New Topic below the Forum Description
and post your favorite programs that offer loyalty bonuses for logging in.

Feel free to also post them on
The Soaring Eagle Team in Facebook and click the Like button at the top.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Elaine Groff Wolff

314 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Click Fred E-mails with a Huge Loyalty Bonus!
9/26/2013 6:07:27 AM

Hi Ken!

I joined. Now let me see if I get this right.

Here is my loyalty reward progress:

Logins 300

Logins 450

Logins 600

Friday, September 27, 2013 3:03:37 PM

It looks like I missed a day
. Do I still get the credits?


I am happy to share with you my latest addition to the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses.

If you log in every day during the week, you will get this additional Login Weekly Bonus of 10,000 points!

join Click Fred E-mails
Ken Wolff

We are starting a new week:

Logins 150

Logins 300

Logins 450

For the next 7 members who join I will transfer 100 credits to your account if you post a message in this thread showing your loyalty like above. I will do this for the previous 3 who joined as well. If at any point you upgraded to German Shephard I will transfer 500 points when you post a message here with your loyalty bonus.

You are invited to share your affiliate links and graphics in this forum. I am an affiliate of a lot of programs online. I do not promote these programs for the money but rather because I like sharing things that are of great value. The only way I am going to earn a commission is if you join and upgrade to a paid level or make a purchase. Since I am honestly not in this for the money, if I earn a commission that is greater than what it cost me for any program that I promote I will donate 100% of the profits to your favorite charity or to mine. I hope you will keep me busy making donations.

Click on New Topic below the Forum Description
and post your favorite programs that offer loyalty bonuses for logging in.

Feel free to also post them on
The Soaring Eagle Team in Facebook and click the Like button at the top.

Elaine Groff Wolff
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Click Fred E-mails with a Huge Loyalty Bonus!
9/26/2013 6:37:11 AM
Hi Elaine!

Thank you for joining!

You will get all the credits that you earn by clicking links in the emails plus the loyalty bonus points for logging in. However, you will miss out on the 10,000 bonus credits this week for logging in every day because it looks like you missed Tuesday. I hate it when that happens. I did that the first couple of weeks that I was a member. You just have to get in the habit of clicking on emails and logging in every day. I would suggest that you make it your #1 priority and do it the first thing every day. I sometimes stay up until after midnight to make sure that I have it done.

I will transfer the credits to your account for posting the message here with a copy of your loyalty bonus.

You successfully transferred 100 by Text-Enhance">credits.



Hi Ken!

I joined. Now let me see if I get this right.

Here is my loyalty reward progress:

Logins 300

It looks like I missed a day
. Do I still get the credits?


I am happy to share with you my latest addition to the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses.

If you log in every day during the week, you will get this additional Login Weekly Bonus of 10,000 points!

join Click Fred E-mails
Ken Wolff

We are starting a new week:

Logins 150

Logins 300

Logins 450

For the next 7 members who join I will transfer 100 credits to your account if you post a message in this thread showing your loyalty like above. I will do this for the previous 3 who joined as well. If at any point you upgraded to German Shephard I will transfer 500 points when you post a message here with your loyalty bonus.

You are invited to share your affiliate links and graphics in this forum. I am an affiliate of a lot of programs online. I do not promote these programs for the money but rather because I like sharing things that are of great value. The only way I am going to earn a commission is if you join and upgrade to a paid level or make a purchase. Since I am honestly not in this for the money, if I earn a commission that is greater than what it cost me for any program that I promote I will donate 100% of the profits to your favorite charity or to mine. I hope you will keep me busy making donations.

Click on New Topic below the Forum Description and post your favorite programs that offer loyalty bonuses for logging in.

Feel free to also post them on The Soaring Eagle Team in Facebook and click the Like button at the top.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Click Fred E-mails with a Huge Loyalty Bonus!
9/28/2013 3:08:15 PM

I am happy to share with you my latest addition to the Programs with Loyalty Bonuses.

If you log in every day during the week, you will get this additional Login Weekly Bonus of 10,000 points!

join Click Fred E-mails

One more day 2 go for 10,000 bonus points:

Logins 900

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team