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Reality Check, I Will, Confidence
1/17/2006 8:17:38 PM
Reality Check The world is the way it is, today is the way it is, your situation is the way it is. So what are you going to do about it? Are you going to wish you could go back to the past? Then you'll just end up more frustrated by the reality that time only moves in one direction -- forward. Are you going to wait for someone or something to solve your problems for you? Then you'll just end up further behind at the end of the day. Are you going to put all your energy into anger and resentment because you've been treated so unfairly? Then the negative things you focus upon will grow even stronger, holding you back more firmly than ever before. Or perhaps you'll decide to take positive, effective control. Perhaps you'll accept responsibility for the way things are, and begin to move forward. Perhaps you will realize that it doesn't matter who is at fault or how you got here, but what's important is what you're going to do about it. Perhaps you'll use the moments in this day not to resent or regret or relive the past, but to build, to create, to improve the future. Here you are in this world, this world that is undeniably the way it is. You can do nothing to change what you've got, yet you can do everything to vastly improve what you get. -------------------------------------------- I Will "I hope" is very positive, and yet "I will" is even more so. "I might" gets you facing in the right direction, while "I will" takes you all the way there. "I'd like to" helps you set your goals, and "I will" makes them happen. "I should" is good at nagging, yet "I will" is the master of achievement. The words you use influence the thoughts you think and the actions you take. And the words "I will" are two of the best you'll find when it comes to expressing, sealing and maintaining you commitment. Though words alone will not make it happen, the most positive, confident words will indeed make a difference in what does happen. A constant attitude of "I will" will always outperform an attitude of "I wish." "I will" is clear and unambiguous. It puts the power of solid intention to work for you. At any given moment, you're filled with energy that can make things happen, energy in search of a purpose. Saying "I will," with sincerity and confidence, directs that energy precisely where you want it to go. -------------------------------------------- Confidence! What you think of yourself is reflected in the way you treat others. A very effective way to raise your own level of confidence is by acting positively toward the people around you. Rudeness toward others, whether intentional or not, is a sure sign of a lack of confidence. When you have no respect or consideration for others, it's difficult to have much confidence in yourself. Ironically, one of the worst things you can do for yourself is to think only of yourself. The more genuine respect, consideration and courtesy you express toward those around you, the more your own confidence will grow. If someone is rude to you, make every effort to be sincerely pleasant and courteous in return. Just because someone else is allowing rudeness to drain away their own energy, doesn't mean you must do the same. Have the confidence to be courteous, and the confidence to act with genuine respect toward others. Your positive attitude and positive actions will empower you with even more confidence and energy. Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Reality Check, I Will, Confidence
1/17/2006 10:25:48 PM
Hi Marilyn, Always wonderful, thank you. Your Good Friend Deborah
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Re: Reality Check, I Will, Confidence
1/18/2006 1:18:14 AM
Great post Marilyn. I would print these off and past them on my fridge etc..but for all the other prints already I will keep these though for future reference. :-) T
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Re: Reality Check, I Will, Confidence
1/19/2006 1:36:54 AM
Hi Marilyn When reading these, a particular person came to mind. This lady has had many dissapoitments in life and has been treated as a lesser human being by those who she believed loved and cared for her. She is very good at typing and has stayed in a job where that is what she does. When the company wants to send her on courses/training programmes she refuses as she is too scared that she will fail. She has decided that being rude and nasty and degrading others (only those that are not in a position to fight back)will get her respect and recognition and make her "important". She will go to such great lengths to make those she sees as a "threat" appear to be incompetent or to be "misbehaving", she will go as far as doing something purposely wrong in someone else's name to cause that person to appear stupid and/or incompetent. The very sad fact of the matter is that she is so alone and is making her own life miserable by chasing any potential friends away. Currently her life consists of going to work everyday and to dance classes twice a week. This is a very lonely and sad life and although she is unable to see the good in her life, I believe she has much to be enjoyed. She has a steady job, owns her own home, her own car and has a realatively good relationship with her daughter and son who are adults but still live at home with her (so that she is not alone). That to me is already something really special in her life and could be used as starting block to more. Regards Gaylia
Gaylia Hunter
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Re: Reality Check, I Will, Confidence
1/21/2006 2:16:27 PM
HI Deborah, Thanks so much for your kind words. They are very much appreciated! God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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