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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: A love of colour and form. A Derain, Artist
8/11/2013 9:41:54 AM

Derain had committed himself on the future of art as early as 1901, two years after he had first met Matisse. To Derain, realism, as the literal imitation of nature, was over. In his view painting should offer not an imitation of nature but an equivalent of it. Derain had already dismissed the impressionists for trying to copy nature rather than understanding the fugitive effects of nature and what made them so arresting as a study separate from what makes a good painting.

Imitation of the kind Derain and matisse decried gives us at best a low-keyed satisfaction. It confirms us in our own everyday vision , but it cannot give us that sense of heightened vitality, or life quickened and intensified, that great painting has to offer. André Derain was anything but low-keyed, and he knew enough about art history to realize that the next step would involve color. As Vincent van Gogh had written, “The future of art lies with a colorist such as there had never been before.” And what had Paul Gauguin said? That a “pound of green is more green than an ounce of green.” “Color for color’s sake!” was Derain’s succinct way of putting it.

Blackfriars Bridge, Andre Deraine

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: A love of colour and form. A Derain, Artist
8/11/2013 3:51:46 PM
Hi Roger,
This is too cool, I too love color. This painting has about every color on it.


Here is a larger image.

Many influences are clear here. Can you see the Van Goch influence here?

Derain is amongst my favourite arists. I LOVE colour.

God gave us decerning eyes and a soul. We can appreciate the gentle and relaxing quailties of a Constable or the strength and power of a Da Vinci, the light quailty in a Turner or the spirituality in early european artists, but, for me:

To see a work by Derain lifts my spirits and makes me look at colour in a different and exciting way.

I hope here to share my passion for this great artist.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: A love of colour and form. A Derain, Artist
8/12/2013 12:36:17 AM
Hi Roger,

All these Derain paintings are simply wonderful. I always loved Derain work and that of Matisse, but only now have I learned about the relation between them both.

Thanks for sharing the works posted, particularly this self-portrait.



File:Self-portrait in studio by André Derain.jpg

Self-Portrain in Studio 1903

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: A love of colour and form. A Derain, Artist
8/12/2013 7:25:14 AM

More to come. I loved the self-portait too. New to me.

You know what it's like Miguel.

It's like opening a new box of chocolates.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: A love of colour and form. A Derain, Artist
8/12/2013 7:04:39 PM

This is a well known painting by Deraine.

This is Deraine's portrait of Henri Matisse

Painted in oil on canvas in 1905

André Derain, ‘Henri Matisse’ 1905


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