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Re: My greatest point is my persistence....
1/17/2006 6:53:03 PM
Hello Bogdan! Good qoute. Sorry I haven't been here in a while, I been really busy. Have a nice evening! 8) John Blogs Gdw Amb Frm POTW Nomination’s Forum
Re: My greatest point is my persistence....
1/17/2006 8:51:50 PM
Bogdan. Persistance runs along the same lines as tenacious and tenacity. Are you telling us that in order to build a qualified profitable business we have to be like a pit bull? The thing that makes a pit bull so feared is the fact that once they close their jaws on a target, they most likley never turn loose. I believe we will have to be tenacious and market with tenacity!
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Brian Ockert

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Re: My greatest point is my persistence....
1/18/2006 8:46:21 AM
Great quote - and with your help with the assignments I'm more inspired than ever before.
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: My greatest point is my persistence....
1/18/2006 12:02:06 PM
Hi James, Being a pit bull doesn't necessarily give you advantage. Pit bulls in my province are not allowed due to some very brutal accidents. What I see as persistence is an ability to hung there while all the sings tell you, you are defeated. Here is couple of reasons why it is worth being persistent. 1. Not always you see all the signs. You might be seeing bad ones only and forget about the good ones. 2. In situations when you can show that you stay till the end, you win sympathy and support of those who were just standing by. They might help you. People always like underdogs. 3. Quite often people quit one step from reaching their goals. This is like with running. At the end you have no energy but you have to find it to just finish or not to be outrun by your competition. Once you reach the finish line, you can stop and rest, but you have to get there. The analogy of a pit ball is a good one as long as you compare the persistence but I would not want to use the motives the pit ball has. Bogdan
Re: My greatest point is my persistence....
1/19/2006 8:15:21 AM
Ditto everyone. GREAT player and GREAT example. Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader:

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