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Phillip Black

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RE: Moroccan Chicken Salad
8/5/2013 1:05:32 AM

Hi Luella,

I'm not following a specific diet. I just keep my calories between 1,500 and 1,800 per day, eat no more than 3 Egg Yolks per week, use Morningstar Bacon/Sausage substitutes at Breakfast, and drink nothing but Water, Unsweetened Tea, or Black Coffee with all meals. As you may remember I have not eaten Red Meat for over 5 years now, so I eat Fish, Chicken, a lot of varied Vegetables and moderate amounts of Fruit due to my Diabetes. I stick to Whole Wheat Bread and Pasta, Whole Wheat or Almond Flour, Miracle Noodles whenever possible, and I use Egg Whites wherever possible for Protein.

Unfortunately, since my Foot Surgery to remove a Diabetic Cyst back in 2011, walking is a challenge and I rely on either a Cane or a Walker to get around. Therefore, regular exercise is almost impossible. I use the following daily...

I also use the Sit and Fit: Diabetes and Balance Workout DVD daily as often as possible.

I appreciate your kind words and your concern and support. I've got one advantage over you since I'm 6 ft tall, so it's distributed a little better. However,according to the Doctor, I still need be down to the low 200's at most, so there's a long way to go yet. One day at a time, with a lot of Prayer and the Support of Friends like you and I'll make it one day.

Thanks My Dear Friend & God Bless,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Luella May

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RE: Moroccan Chicken Salad
8/5/2013 3:14:42 PM
Phil, you will most certainly make it. And by the way, those exercises are just great. It's just about "moving."

Please do take care my friend, and my prayers are with you.

Holler if you need anything.

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives