_Holl.jpg) Frank Holl (A note from the forum owner Roger Macdivitt) As I have told here before, I have the huge fortune to live near to The Watts Gallery, Compton, Surrey, England. The current exhibition celebrates the work of a wonderful victorian artist. Many artists like Holl were shunned by the last two generations but still known through the jigsaw, chocolate box and advertising uses there work was portrayed on. Yes, the little girls with kittens were considered too silly for serious art BUT they portray a time and an an image that the portait subjects family would love. Holl was an artist who cared about the plight of the poor and portrayed this to bring it to attention. I hope that in the poor parts of Africa, Asia and The Americas the same is being done today. Europe slides towards poverty as China and India rise to new riches. It's the way of things. I thank God for the Frank Holls in society. Here is the blurb for the Watts Gallery exhibition. Watts Gallery will present the first major retrospective exhibition in more than 100 years of eminent Victorian artist, Frank Holl (1845 -- 1888). Widely regarded in his own lifetime as a leading figure in social realist and portrait painting, Holl's early death meant that the artist never fully received the acclaim his work merited. For the first time, this exhibition will bring together around thirty of his major works to examine how, during his short career, the artist became a distinct and insightful voice in British painting.