I just shared this (edited) message with 5,000 of my friends and downline in TopTierTraffic: =========================================================== You Have An Email From Ken Wolff
Hi TTT Friends, I am happy to share the "About Me" page in Click Track profit. Click on "Sign Up" in the upper right corner and you too can have your own "About Me" page. It is a lot more than that of course. Scroll down the page and click on all of the URLs. They are safe and clickable. Join all of the programs for free if you like or take advantage of some great upgrade options. As it says in the 1st paragraph about Veterans Surf, there are certainly advantages to upgrading. However, if you scroll on down and click on the URL to watch my Promo Video for CTP I include a precaution about upgrading. You get OTO (one time offers) to upgrade in almost every program that comes along. You have to be careful about that. There is also a link to join The Lead Magnet and Adlandpro. I highly recommend that you click on those links and check out those programs and join of course. You can join them all or free. One more thing and keep this a secret. I am on good terms with the owners of these programs. When they say you will only see this opportunity once or upgrade at this special deal here and now...well I am not going to say don't believe them but trust me. I can get you that deal again by talking to my friends...Just don't quote me on that. Are you still with me? Good! There is something more important than any of the links you will find in the "About Me"! It is called friendship. What is the most important part of being friends? It is communication! It is social networking. Let me introduce you to some of my friends. It is relationship development. It is finding out what you are interested and excited about. It is in sharing strategies for success. Ken Wolff ============================================================== Now if you are already a member of ClickTrackProfit and I know that a lot of you are, you know what great training you can receive there. I have only completed 14% of the training and have gained so much knowledge and increased my production and online presents. If you want to earn money online and most of you do...I guarantee you can earn money today by following the new training set there called JumpStart Steps.
Are you still with me? Here comes the most important part of this message. I am looking for a sponsor to Hitzza! It is Step 6 in this training set. It has to be someone who is not yet a member of Veterans Surf. ============================================================
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