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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Amazing images and places!!!
9/19/2013 8:51:17 PM

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan

Massive gaps between the planks, a wild side-to-side swing: there are reasons this is considered one of the world’s most harrowing suspension bridges. While rickety cable and wood bridges are common in this area, crossing this bridge over the rapidly flowing Hunza River is particularly frightening, as the tattered remains of the previous bridge hang by threads next to the one currently in use.

Where: In the village of Hussaini in Northern Pakistan, crossing the Hunza River.

Stats: Floodwaters reportedly submerged the bridge in May 2010. However, due to its draw as a popular adventure-travel activity, the bridge is likely to be rebuilt.

Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Hussaini, Pakistan

Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: Amazing images and places!!!
9/24/2013 4:28:51 AM

Meet the whale!

In 2009, cameraman Marco Queral captured some incredible photographs
while diving with a 50 ft (15.25 m) female humpback whale in the South Pacific (near Hawaii). Queral has spent 20 years of his life photographing whales. He
says they are “extremely intelligent, just like humans, they have their own mind
and come with strong personalities.” The most famous image from the
collection shows Marco Queral reaching out to make contact with the giant whale.
It was taken by one of Queral’s diving partners and went viral in 2009.

Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: Amazing images and places!!!
9/26/2013 5:26:44 PM
The Longest Sea Bridge in the World!!

China opens longest sea bridge in the world (Jiaozhou Bay Bridge). Bridge road, but the way it is through the waters of the Yellow Sea.
The total length of 41.58 kilometers of buildings.

Other images of the bridge:


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