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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
9/16/2013 10:56:55 PM
Hello There,

Great topic... Social Networking & Social Marketing. Now that we have identified what we believe to be activity that crosses the line, let's talk about HOW one properly goes about being a Great Social Networker / Marketer.

I think that people tend to get or merge the two together when in fact, they probably shouldn't be merged together in the first place.

Social Networking is NOT Social Marketing and they both require two different mindsets in order to be good at them.

Social Networking isn't about "Hi Buy My Crap". It's more about,

"I've been in this particular business space for sometime, it's okay for me, but I am interested in hearing what others are doing and how I might incorporate other strategies and techniques into what I am doing. What do you do and how long did it take you to become good at it?"

Social Marketing is quite different. It's something like,

"Hi Buy My Crap," however a little more professional than that. I see it more like, "Hello Fellow Social Marketer. My name is Randi and this is my product or service. If you ever need my product or service, here's my contact information. And YES!!! I am open to bartering services. So what is your line of business?"

"Hi Buy My Crap" sounds like someone's rather desperate. They've tried everything they know how, OR they're in fact new to the concept and are throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick.

I would suggest that before one word is typed or uttered, the business person needs to take a good look at the Social Networking/ Marketing CULTURE they're approaching. All people mix and mingle differently and in order to not come across as an overbearing chump who's trying to peddle his/her goods, it is best that one sits back and watch how the group mixes and mingles with one another.

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
9/16/2013 11:58:43 PM
Hi Jlouise and welcome to this discussion

I think that for everyone you talk to, you will have as many definitions for "social" terminologies that it can get all mixed up. I know for myself, I keep getting "social marketing" and "social media marketing" mixed up

I decided to take some time to find out the definitions of"social marketing, "social media marketing and "social networking to get a clear understanding and I have to say that it was illuminating!
I think many people who think that they are social media marketing are actually saying "buy my crap" and are not getting how to be effective in this form of marketing

Anyways here is what I found out.....

Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing, along with other concepts and techniques, to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good.
Examples of social marketing include the use of campaigns to encourage people use seat belts, follow speed limits, or not to smoke in public.

Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.
Social media is a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often, improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns.

Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals. While social networking has gone on almost as long as societies themselves have existed, the unparalleled potential of the Internet to promote such connections is only now being fully recognized and exploited, through Web-based groups established for that purpose.

I loved what you said btw and I want to thank you for coming in with some great information!

RE: How to Market on Social Networks
9/17/2013 12:07:17 AM
Hello Diane,

Thank You very much for the Warm Welcome. I am new to the site and have been receiving updates and emails to different forums, but haven't had the time to join in until today.


Oh! I think you're 100% correct. These terms are thrown around like Frisbee in dog park... he he he he... they're flying every which way...

We have a Business Listing Waiting On You!
Diane Bjorling

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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
9/17/2013 1:44:51 AM
It can get very active on here Jlouise lol
Glad to have you aboard and if you need any help ( for example getting your profile up and and image up would be a priority) let me know!!

Sent you a friend invite ( hope that is O.K with you)
