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Diane Bjorling

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How to Market on Social Networks
7/6/2013 5:42:37 PM

Marketing on Social networks means being social and here are some pet peeves of mine about those who are social networking the wrong way!

Sometimes you read something that you just need to share because it is that good.

over on Googleplus shared a thought that I would like all of you to read and heed......

when marketing on social real

"Imagine you are hosting a house warming party. You open your doors to your friends, family, and neighbors. Now imagine all your guest are trying to sell something to you instead of chit chatting over interesting topics. You would be irritated to say the least and probably glue your wallet shut.

Now my parents were great entrepreneurs.
My Dad had his used car lot, a rentals, landscaping business, and also sold produce, even bags of pecans all from our residence.

My mother sold everything from Avon, recipe books, to drop shipping appliances.

They had mad skills, but it was not about the pitch. It was their social skills. They always made everyone feel at ease and both of them had their own skill set doing this.

My Dad was a happy fellow and could spin a good yarn to make potential customers laugh. Before you would know it, he would of sold or rented one product that was of interest to the customer but also cross sell another product.

My Mother, well her skill was being the perfect Host. Well mannered, offered refreshments, a wiz on various topics and a good demonstrator. She would put anyone to shame on any info commercial or shopping network.

The point I am making is simply this, be yourself. Socialize and don't go right into a pitch. Tell a story, create a tutorial, then introduce a solution, related product/service.

You have to warm people up and take the standpoint you are helping them and not just out for the buck.

For all the people who have a glimmer of understanding social networking, there are those who just don't seem to get it and then wonder why they are not getting any sales. Here are my top 4 pet peeves ( is that a good wording?) when it comes to people "trying" to social network and failing miserably:

1. Have you ever been to a party where you meet that person who all they can do is talk about themselves? they seem to have done everything and they know everything. I don't know about you but these people drive me crazy! when you are in a social setting, whether it be online or offline, think about others and sorry..its not always about you and it definitely is not about the sell!

2. Have you ever been to a party and talking about something and a person comes in and totally disrupts a conversation with a different topic? On social networks this is called HIGHJACKING and trust me you will not make any friends doing this kind of behavior. It is rude, it is disruptive and if you think that is social networking...think again!

3. Have you ever been to a party and everyone is having a great conversation and in comes the one person you dread..the person who is always complaining about this or that. They have nothing worthwhile to say and even worse they usually will say something that is mean or hurtful. When social networking always be professional, friendly and courteous. Insulting your followers and contacts will never make you a sale!

and my last pet peeve to those who are doing social networking the wrong way....

The social butterfly!
Have you ever been to a party and in comes the person who flits around, never having anything meaningful to say, but loves to show off and be seen? In social networking, these people go from social network to social network, not to add anything worthwhile to any given conversation...they are just there to say...look at me! Social networking is about being authentic, to help people solve a problem or to add to a conversation. While the social butterflies can be entertaining, if they have nothing to say, all they really are ..are people who have no idea on what social networking really is!

Do you have any pet peeves about people who are social networking the wrong way and how do you feel you could help people learn a better way?
Dave Cottrell

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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
7/6/2013 6:34:56 PM
Lol! This reminds me of an article I wrote years ago called, "Hi, Buy my Crap!"

It was inspired by the kinds of folks listed here, who never take a moment to find out who you are, but spend all their time focusing either on themselves or on trying to make you buy something you don't want from someone you don't know.

This is totally my major pet peeve about some (not most) people who are trying to do social networking.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
7/6/2013 6:45:07 PM
Thanks for the feedback Dave. I agree with you that not everyone is doing these kinds of "Buy my crap" ways of social interacting, but many are and they keep wondering why they are not being listened to and why they are not getting anywhere.
If this post can help even one person learn how to use social media more effectively, then I will be happy.
Branka Babic

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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
7/6/2013 7:23:54 PM

Oh Diane, how good topic! I never meant to do anything within social networks, but it happens that , at least, I have a personal opinion about it.
Things are very complex here.

Who is marketer?

Person who:

- might have a fake profile, or might have a true profile, but becomes a victim of the bully with fake profile ...

- person who is very dependant of many of common tips, while his success in fact is built on a certain level of originality

.... list could be very long. No bigger likeness to the House Warming Party ...
I am just beginner and can't give a meaningful contribution to the topic, but have to say how much I respect marketers who succeed. Also, I respect those who even tried. Not a little nor average challenge for sure.

Looking forward to learn more and more.

Diane Bjorling

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RE: How to Market on Social Networks
7/6/2013 8:43:08 PM
Hi Branka :-), thanks for coming in and voicing an opinion and to me when a person puts thought into saying something, then it is all good!

Funny thing about social media and marketing is that when on social media ( social networks) and we share an image we like or share a joke...the fact is ( at least to me) I am hoping that people will enjoy or like what I have shared and I hope that others will share that (whatever), in a way that is a form of marketing.

Look at Pinterest and what a great example..we post images, we check to see who has liked it and even repinned it...every image points back to you..that is marketing.

When we are offline and we talk to a friend about a food we like or a song we enjoyed and we would like people to try that food or listen to that song..we are marketing.

When we market and understand that the basics of marketing is about the "sell" and people buy, share or even repin..then that is the ultimate goal.

Social networking is all about that sell, but there are rules and there are ways of "marketing" that will "brand" you as a person who is worth listening to and then buying from you.

Far too often people think that marketing is blasting links or spamming. some people think social networking means being that social butterfly...for all the wrong reasons. When we go to ANY social network whether it be Facebook, twitter, G+ and even here, the people who are willing to learn the rules, to learn how to engage ( aka talk) with others. Those people who are share information that will HELP others..those are the people who are going to be successful in whatever it is they are doing.

While we all want to be liked..when it comes to marketing, it's not about being in a popularity's not about treating people like a number on a list..its is about helping them solve a problem whether it be finding a tool that will help, finding a recipe that will make that special supper or buying that product or service that will really be something you need.

I would say that you are ahead of a lot of people because you are not afraid to learn and you know how to talk to people..keep voicing those opinions, ask questions and just have fun


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