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Re: DadnDaves has gone private.
1/16/2006 3:39:21 PM
Hello Me Trance... Glad you could stop by & add your positive thoughts on DadnDaves. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: DadnDaves has gone private.
1/16/2006 3:42:26 PM
Hello Diane. Yes it is. You don't earn fortunes with DadnDaves, but then you don't pay in fortunes in the first place. I have had no problems with this program yet, & I know that MsBeverly rates it highly in her 'Beavy's Heavies' web site. Your security friend in Las Vegas
Re: DadnDaves has gone private.
1/16/2006 3:45:16 PM
Hi Randall. Yes, I learnt that the old saying of keeping all your egg's in the same basket is not good business sense awhile back. Now I believe in Multiple Stream's of Income, so that if one fails or does not do well, there are always other businesses to take up the slack. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: DadnDaves has gone private.
1/16/2006 3:50:00 PM
Hi Misty. Thanks for asking after the Identity theft problem. It's a long slow process, but with the culprit in jail awaiting trial on multiple counts of identity theft, it does make it somewhat easier to actually be able to have proof for the company's that this women used Pam's identity to get credit from them. I can only imagine what problems others have to go through to clear their names & get back their credit rating's, as even with all the proof & the police statements, some company's take a lot of persuading. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
Re: DadnDaves has gone private.
1/16/2006 4:15:58 PM
Dear Anthony, I have a similar forum going--I highly recommend all your friends who aren't members take this opportunity to join! It is such a reliable one, with fast payouts, and I can attest that they DO pay! Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol

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