Apple An apple a day keeps the doctor away!!!  * Fresh apples help in promoting digestion because they contain malic and tartaric acids that inhibit fermentation in the intestines. Their high fiber content adds bulk that aids the digestive process, making elimination natural and comfortable. Apples also contain pectin, a soluble fiber that encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. * An apple contains the following vitamins: A (74IU); B Thiamine (.04mg); Niacin (15mg); C Absorbic Acid (8mg); and Riboflavin (.03mg). * An apple contains the following minerals: Calcium (10mg); Phosphorus (100mg); Iron (.45mg); Potassium (159mg); and Magnesium (12mg). * An apple contains 4.28 grams of dietary fiber. Research has shown that dietary fiber helps to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. * Green apples, in particular, act as a liver and gall bladder cleanser and may aid in softening gallstones. * An apple is a good source of plant-based antioxidants called phytonutrients. Research shows that these natural substances help guard against free radicals, which are oxygen molecules that may cause cell damage that leads to cancer, heart disease and other health conditions. * An apple has a high acid content, which acts as a natural mouth freshener. Plus, eating raw apples cleanses the teeth and gives the gums a healthy massage.