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Life as an adventure, and Spirit is my guide
6/14/2013 1:25:12 PM

The Daily Meditation 06.14.2013

Life as an adventure, and Spirit is my guide

Claudia Lucas, RScP

Claudia Lucas, RScP

There is only one life. It is the life of adventure, it is a life of joy, laughter, fun, loving what I get to wake up do for a living each day. God is the ever expanding vision and power fueling my dreams

I am one with the one life, this live of adventure, joy, laughter, loving what I get to do for a living in the ever-expanding vision of God expressing through me. The energy of God permeates my thoughts, my actions, as the rock of faith, peace, and love, and my eternal guidance system. And as I am one with the one life so is everyone else.

Life is an adventure to be savored not feared. While embarking on the next greatest adventure, I surrender any appearance of obstacles, disharmony or discord in my life knowing that God is much greater than any challenge. The infinite wisdom of Spirit expressing through me has solutions so much greater than my imagination can ever fathom.

In any given moment, all obstacles dissipate into nothingness as I open up to, and realized my connection to God’s infinite intelligence and compassionate wisdom gently guiding me each and every step of the way. I relax in peace and comfort knowing that Divine good is within and is expressing through me today, and in every moment on the path of my next greatest venture.

I am so grateful for this knowing, and embrace and claim this peacefulness knowing my intention and word are now planted, and therefore already manifesting.

I release it all knowing it is done

And So It Is.

Claudia Lucas is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico
