God Bless You. I am so happy that you made POTW. Angels do need to be recognized. The thing that I like the most about AdlandPro Community is that we are a community of REAL people, not people hiding behind masks. I keep the message on my answering machine that you left. "Hi, Mike. This is Shirley. I am so upset, OH,GOODNESS!!< Mike and Shirley, this is Luella." When I feel down or lonely, and you can be lonely in a crowd of a million people, I go through my messages until I get to that one, and for a brief while, I am able to smile. Isn't it strange how, for those of us that grew up not knowing love, (I was the last of ten, my parents were in there late forties and I was born with a Pilenidal Cyst on the base of my spine. tail bone) and my parents were told not to get too attached because I had a life span of six years. I wasn't abused or beaten. I just did not exist. Basically, I was told in later years that one in a million babies were born with a tail. It was common practice in the forties (I was born in 1942) to remove the tail as it was a sign of a devil baby. I'm going off in a tangent here. I just wanted to say that those that are raised with little or no love are much more sympethedic towards others and show love and comfort so much more freely. I thank you for your love, caring, and for rallying for me and Shirley when we both needed to feel the love. It is as though the Gates of AdlandPro Community swung wide open and a Conucopia of all that is Good pored forth. Therefore, God Bless you Luella May for being the Living Angel that you are and God Bless All the Wonderful people at AdlandPro that have and continue to help Shirley and I get through trying times.
Your Greatful Friend
Mike (I'm the guy that's clinging to Shirley's Blouse tails)