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Dave Cottrell

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RE: Stay Safe when using social networks
5/29/2013 9:11:37 PM
This is very good advice, Diane.

I would add, regarding passwords, that there is another thing you can and should
do for passwords that are not allowed to be filled in automatically by Windows or
Roboform, especially banking passwords and Paypal.

I create a file in notepad and put both my username and password for those accounts
in there.

Then, I copy and paste them into the log in forms. This way, if key logger spyware or
similar gets on your computer, they can't steal this information.

Just make sure, if you ever sell or give away your computer, to either do a military wipe
of your hard drive or remove it and manually destroy it before discarding it.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Stay Safe when using social networks
5/30/2013 1:46:35 AM
Hi Diane,

Good advise on this forum. Dave is right about the hackers. I got word this week that I have had 3 different tries on my Yahoo, Google, and Comcast. thank goodness they caught the tries and I was notified. Yes I changed my passwords.
