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Hafiz 2013

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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
8/2/2013 5:30:45 AM
Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
8/4/2013 7:25:13 PM
The greatest meeting of minds!!

In 1927, Fifth Solvay International Conference on Electrons and Photons, where the world’s most notable physicists met to discuss the newly formulated quantum theory.

Possibly the greatest meeting of minds ever. 17 of the 29 attendees were or became Nobel Prize winners, including Marie Curie, who alone among them, had won Nobel Prizes in two separate scientific disciplines. The leading figures were Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and Niels Bohr.

Back row L-R: A Piccard, E Henriot, P Ehrenfest, Ed Herzen, Th. De Donder, E Schroedinger, E Verschaffelt, W Pauli, W Heisenberg, R. H Fowler, L Brillouin

Middle row L-R: P Debye, M Knudsen, W. L Bragg, H. A Kramers. P. A. M Dirac, A. H Compton, L. V. De Broglie, M Born, N Bohr

Front row: L-R: Angmeir, M Planck, M Curie, H. A Lorentz, A Einstein, P Langevin, Ch. E Guye, C. T. R Wilson, O. W Richardson.
Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
8/6/2013 4:45:39 PM
Goliath Tigerfish: A fish that can eat crocodile!!

Tigerfish is another type of aggressive fish which is found in southern Africa. Tigerfish is the common name for variety of species in this category. Due to its hunting style and entire different characters from other type fishes makes this fish to commonly name as tigerfish. Tigerfish fish will move like a torpedo and fight like a jet. That’s why this fish known by name ‘tigerfish’. Its external body anatomy enables this fish to move in a high velocity. One another interesting fact is about its teeth. Tigerfish’s teeth are like a sooth wave. Cut anything! That means its teeth are interlocking when they eat their prey. In simple terms, it’s like a lock and key fashion. Goliath tigerfish and southern African tigerfish are the most world renowned tigerfishes. The aggressive hunting tactic makes tigerfish a distinct one. The razor like teeth makes them more dangerous and even attack large animals. One of the nick name for tigerfish is the ‘piranha of south America’ more commonly ‘South American piranha’. The piranha like hunting tactics and teeth makes tigerfish so called ‘South American piranha’. They attack large animals immediately when they receive signals in the sound detector

The sound detector is a gas filled body which enables them to identify any creature near them. Tigerfishes are very large and they can gain a weight up to 5 kg. The goiath tigerfish is weighing around 50 kg and length of 2m. It is the river monster. Tigerfish can be seen in different types of color. More commonly the tigerfish has been seeing in grayish silver color. An African tigerfish may fits in your aquarium but goliath tigerfish is not. Eventhough it is not a good idea to keep this fish in aquarium. Tigerfish is a top level carnivorous fish. Attacking prey with a group (like piranha) is the hunting style of african tigerfish. But goliath tigerfish can attack alone. It is not easy to catch tigerfish. The high speed of tiger fish always gives them advantage over its prey. When they caught in a hook it’s not easy to remove them. Tigerfish will fights for its life until die.

Locals say it's the only fish that doesn't fear the crocodile and that it actually eats smaller ones. It's also been known to attack humans in rare instances. It's so lightning quick and forceful that not only will it snap an angler's line, but it will sometimes make off with his or her tackle. No wonder one fishing safari promoter requires clients read a cautionary treatise on the Goliath before agreeing to a fishing trip.

Hafiz 2013

791 Posts
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RE: Unbelievable fact but true
8/18/2013 4:24:06 PM
The rarest eye color!!!

As soon as you meet someone for the first time, consciously or not you take a mental inventory of their physical attributes. While what we notice first differs depending on the angle and distance from which a person is viewed, the first thing most people notice in a face to face encounter is a persons eyes. It has been said often that eyes are the windows to the soul, and that eyes can be a powerful tool for communication, conveying power, and seduction.

With that in mind, some traits of the eye draw more attention than others, their color specifically. While we tend to take little notice of those who have normal eye colors, we immediately notice those who have a very different eye color which raises the question of what are the most rare eye colors humans can naturally have? The colors which make the list may surprise you. While there is some disagreement to the actual order of which eye colors are the rarest, the following five are considered the finalists on nearly every list compiled on the subject.

Weighing in at number four are green eyes being possessed by only about 2% of the world population. Green eyes are most commonly found in people with roots from Northern Europe and Nordic countries like Finland, Norway, or Iceland, The reason these people are those that most commonly have this rare eye color is because they appear to be genetically predisposed to have a tendency for producing less melanin.
photo by BravoSector

Coming in at number three are amber eyes. Amber eyes have a tint which appears to be the combination of a yellow/golden color with a copper/russet overtone. This eye color is due to the deposition of lipochrome which is the yellow pigment in the iris becoming dominant. While this is a very rare eye color in humans it is quite common in wolves which is why people with amber eyes are often said to have “wolf eyes.”
photo by C hamiltonkolb
violet eyes

Violet eyes make their appearance at number two on the list. Violet eyes are the mixing of red eyes with a blue reflection. In their truest form they are found in albinos, although they are possible as a mutation to those who are not albino. This color is commonly mistaken in people that have blue eyes and are exhibiting a significant case of bloodshot eyes. In those cases it is nothing more than a trick of the mind that eyes appear violet and it is only a temporary condition.

authors: Karen Grønskov, Jakob Ek, and Karen Brondum-Nielsen
red eye

Finally the most rare eye color found in humans without any argument is red. Red eyes are mainly found in albinos, but there are documented cases of them existing in people whom otherwise appear to have no other pigmentation anomalies. Red eyes are most commonly attributed to a leakage of blood into the iris or large amounts of the red areas of the eyes being present which are considered to be scarce under normal conditions.