Hello everyone
This is great news! For those who did anything to help this
movement no matter how small your effort may have been
...if you just forwarded an email, you are a WINNER!!
To those who did absolutely nothing ....SHAME ON YOU! You
can thank us for saving you your sorry butt.
Thank you to all who attended March Against Monsanto and
a special thank you to those who donated money. Even $5.00
makes a difference!
The video below is exciting news. It tells you how close we are
to putting an end to GMOs and Monsanto and their evil plans.
The video below also tells how many illnesses are being ended
when people stop eating GMO foods. You've got to listen to
this because you or someone in your family may be suffering
because of eating GMOs and not realizing it that it is the GMOs
that may be causing the problem. And you might not need to
buy my product, Laminine :((
That's ok! I'll be glad when I hear that you or someone you
love got rid of some disorder by stopping the consumption of
GMOs. (Note: You will still need Laminine to fix some of the
damage that GMOs did to the insides of your body :))
The foods to stay away from are Soy Beans, Soybean Oil and
anything made with Soy in it, Corn and anything made from
Corn and anything with corn in it, do NOT use CANOLA OIL
or anything with Canola oil in it. Stay away from cottonseed
products and sugar beet products. This is for starters. There
are others. Yes, of course, you can eat corn that is not
genetically modified but good luck in trying to find it.
If you brought home something with GMOs in it, DO NOT
THROW IT OUT. Take it back to the store, even if it cost you
5 cents. Ask for your money back. It is important to make a
statement. Your GMO product lying in the garbage won't do
Remember, too, that the beef and meat you eat may have
come from an animal who was fed GMOs.
Go to Jeffrey Smith's website to learn more about which foods
(Note: Also RETURN products that contain Aspartame, MSG,
Mono Sodium Glutamate, Sucralose, Splenda and other poisons.
Whatever you do, do not throw them in the garbage. How will
stores know that people are fed up with these horrid stuffs if you
just throw it out. Also RETURN prescription drugs that gave you
a bad side-effect. It might be a little harder to return a drug
because they are probably not used to accepting returns but by
trying to return it, you are making a statement and making them
get used to accepting returns. This is what I do. I tell them what
the problem and I want my money back. If they say they can't do
that, I ask why I should absorb the cost of something that doesn't
work for me. I say, "If I bought a nutritional product I didn't like,
the company would have to give me a refund, why not you?" I
don't say much. I just stare at them while they tell me all the
reasons they can't give me my money back. Every once in a while,
I interject with, "I just want my money back." I just keep staring
even if they stop talking, and make them feel uncomfortable. I
usually get a refund. They usually say, "Well, we'll do it this time
but we can't do it again." Even if I don't get my money back, either
way I have made a statement and wasted their time.)
Here's the GMO video to watch - 35 minutes
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RhhQcbNsQM Monsanto is an extremely large company with thousands of employees and if it went down, that is a lot of people out of
work but think about this. If that were to happen, and it
cannot happen soon enough for me, all these people would
be looking for a means of income. Do you think that maybe
some of them would start growing organic stuff and selling
it? The more people growing and selling organic produce,
the sooner the prices would be going down. Often when
these big companies go down, good comes out of it. Let
them die. People need to start thinking of other ways to
make a livelihood.
Well, I don't think Monsanto will actually go down and if
they don't, watch for them to do some other atrocities. The
people who run these companies are demon-possessed. Some are
actually Satanists.Helen
PS ...If you find it hard to keep your mind from wandering anytime you are listening to an audio-video, try playing a game of solitaire while you are listening. It really helps to get more out of the talk.