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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: March Against Monsanto
6/19/2013 11:48:25 PM

Hi There ...
The March Against Monsanto is over now. It was a huge success! I may continue this forum for awhile to post other news about Genetically Modified Foods and related news. If you have information about GMO's please post it here.

Here's a website everyone should visit and support if you are interested in a clean world and clean, non-GMO foods; learn the truth about GMO's (it's a nightmare happening as we speak) >>

NOTIFY EVERYONE!! NOTIFY EVERY FORUM!! Too many people don't know the dangers of GMO's.

If you eat, this concerns you!

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: March Against Monsanto
9/3/2013 12:55:33 PM


Hello everyone

This is great news! For those who did anything to help this
movement no matter how small your effort may have been
...if you just forwarded an email, you are a WINNER!!

To those who did absolutely nothing ....SHAME ON YOU! You
can thank us for saving you your sorry butt.

Thank you to all who attended March Against Monsanto and
a special thank you to those who donated money. Even $5.00
makes a difference!

The video below is exciting news. It tells you how close we are
to putting an end to GMOs and Monsanto and their evil plans.

The video below also tells how many illnesses are being ended
when people stop eating GMO foods. You've got to listen to
this because you or someone in your family may be suffering
because of eating GMOs and not realizing it that it is the GMOs
that may be causing the problem. And you might not need to
buy my product, Laminine :((

That's ok! I'll be glad when I hear that you or someone you
love got rid of some disorder by stopping the consumption of
GMOs. (Note: You will still need Laminine to fix some of the
damage that GMOs did to the insides of your body :))

The foods to stay away from are Soy Beans, Soybean Oil and
anything made with Soy in it, Corn and anything made from
Corn and anything with corn in it, do NOT use CANOLA OIL
or anything with Canola oil in it. Stay away from cottonseed
products and sugar beet products. This is for starters. There
are others. Yes, of course, you can eat corn that is not
genetically modified but good luck in trying to find it.

If you brought home something with GMOs in it, DO NOT
THROW IT OUT. Take it back to the store, even if it cost you
5 cents. Ask for your money back. It is important to make a
statement. Your GMO product lying in the garbage won't do

Remember, too, that the beef and meat you eat may have
come from an animal who was fed GMOs.

Go to Jeffrey Smith's website to learn more about which foods

(Note: Also RETURN products that contain Aspartame, MSG,
Mono Sodium Glutamate, Sucralose, Splenda and other poisons.
Whatever you do, do not throw them in the garbage. How will
stores know that people are fed up with these horrid stuffs if you
just throw it out. Also RETURN prescription drugs that gave you
a bad side-effect. It might be a little harder to return a drug
because they are probably not used to accepting returns but by
trying to return it, you are making a statement and making them
get used to accepting returns. This is what I do. I tell them what
the problem and I want my money back. If they say they can't do
that, I ask why I should absorb the cost of something that doesn't
work for me. I say, "If I bought a nutritional product I didn't like,
the company would have to give me a refund, why not you?" I
don't say much. I just stare at them while they tell me all the
reasons they can't give me my money back. Every once in a while,
I interject with, "I just want my money back." I just keep staring
even if they stop talking, and make them feel uncomfortable. I
usually get a refund. They usually say, "Well, we'll do it this time
but we can't do it again." Even if I don't get my money back, either
way I have made a statement and wasted their time.)

Here's the GMO video to watch - 35 minutes

Monsanto is an extremely large company with thousands of
employees and if it went down, that is a lot of people out of
work but think about this. If that were to happen, and it
cannot happen soon enough for me, all these people would
be looking for a means of income. Do you think that maybe
some of them would start growing organic stuff and selling
it? The more people growing and selling organic produce,
the sooner the prices would be going down. Often when
these big companies go down, good comes out of it. Let
them die. People need to start thinking of other ways to
make a livelihood.

Well, I don't think Monsanto will actually go down and if
they don't, watch for them to do some other atrocities. The
people who run these companies are demon-possessed. Some are
actually Satanists.


PS ...If you find it hard to keep your mind from wandering anytime you are listening to an audio-video, try playing a game of solitaire while you are listening. It really helps to get more out of the talk.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: March Against Monsanto
9/12/2013 9:03:11 PM

LET'S KEEP THE MARCH AGAINST MONSANTO GOING!! We are almost the winners! Please help by passing this on to anyone for whom you have an email address. And if you can afford a dollar or two, please donate.


Monsanto, Dupont Spend $8.2M to Buy Washington Election

We knew they’d be back. With their bald-faced lies. Their brazen disregard for your health and our environment. Their arrogant plans to deny you the right to know what franken-ingredients they’re cooking up in their labs and disguising as “food” on your grocery shelves.

And their deep, deep pockets.

Sure enough, they are back. This week, Monsanto and Dupont dumped millions more of their GMO-tainted dollars into the campaign to defeat I-522, Washington State’s GMO labeling initiative. To date, Monsanto has ponied up $4.8 million. Dupont as kicked in $3.4 million. In all, so far, the NO on 522 campaign has raised more than $11 million. All from a handful of corporations. Not a penny from people like you.

Who’s supporting the YES on I-522 campaign? You. Your family. Your neighbors. Your friends. Tens of thousands of us. To their four chemical companies and one big front group representing junk food makers.

The polls show us winning in Washington. But the opposition is trying to whittle away at our poll numbers by rallying newspaper editors (who take advertising dollars from biotech and Big Food) and Big Ag trade groups to their side. Soon they’ll launch a full-on media blitz to try to scare voters into taking their side.

We recovered from, were galvanized around, the loss in California last year. Can we lose this battle again this year and still win the war? Let’s not go there.

Please make a donation today, however large or small, to support GMO labeling. Every dollar you donate here will go directly to the YES on I-522 campaign. Thank you!

Donate to Washington’s GMO Labeling Initiative!

End of article

The above article came from

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: March Against Monsanto
5/2/2014 2:39:52 PM
Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer and Diabetes ETC., ETC., ETC.

You will understand the reason for these links after you read this email. (I originally composed this post for my email list. You may use it to send to your list, too.)

Here are the links for federal government representatives for the US and Canada

US Senators - Federal
US Congress
1) Click any state
2) Click on Congressman's name
3) On the Menu, click on Contact
4) Click on Contact Information (each website is configured
differently so some of these instructions may not apply)
5) Proceed from there. Congressmen don't give an email
address but you can copy and paste this email into the
email system provided on each website. If you do find
an email address, by all means, send to it, too.

Canadian Members of Parliament link:

Canadian senators' phone, fax and email list:

Hello Everyone

This article speaks for itself. I have highlighted in yellow the main points that would interest most people ...if you don't have time to read it all.

The parts in Red and brown font are my comments.


Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. Monsanto asserts it is not toxic to humans, but here a new study proves otherwise.

Residue of Roundup are found in the main foods of the Western diet, composed primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate inhibit necessary key enzymes in our bodies which create a toxic effect on beneficial insects, animals and people. These enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics, a chemical which is found in an organism but is not normally produced or expected to be present.

Stephanie Seneff , a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory who uncovered the results of this study, explains the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease. And it also shows that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of the disruption of homeostasis (the imbalance of cell regulation which can lead to the cause of many diseases) by environmental toxin such as found with Roundup.

This new study shows that Roundup enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Far-reaching health implications of this toxic chemical significantly impact the body due to its use in farming and other areas where food may grow. And what this new study has uncovered is the effects of Roundup are insidiously manifesting slowly over time as inflammation damages many different cellular systems throughout the body.

Consequences with most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease all stem from even the smallest trace amounts of Roundup that is found in theses foods we eat. And the FDA allows trace amounts of glyphosate in the foods that we buy and eat.

When we take into account of the significant increase in Autism, something very profound emerges.
  • One in 150 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in 2007
  • One in 100 kids were diagnosed Autism Spectrum in 2009
  • One in 50 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in Mar. 2013.
  • The rate was 1 in 10,000 in 1970. <<<< (emphasis by helen)
{How long are we going to let Monsanto dump tons and tons of Roundup on the world EVERY YEAR without saying a word??!!! Is this what you want for your kids and grandkids??!! If not, start sending emails and/or snail letters to every gov't representative in your country ...and then do it all over again ...keep on doing it until Roundup is outlawed. Or shall we wait until every child born is born Autistic?? Evidence seems to indicate that Autism is caused by toxins such as those found in Roundup and in vaccines, et al.
Below is an example of a letter you can use or you can create your own. Copy and paste it into emails and send them to, not just your own gov't representative, but all reps. Below this article is some links where you can find email address of ALL representatives in Canada and the US. Imagine the damage you could do if you send just 5 or 10 emails per day. Is your family worth 10 - 20 minutes per day? Also send this to EVERYONE on your email list. ....helen}

Monsanto has argued that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don’t have the shikimate pathway, which is necessary for amino acid biosynthesis. However, our gut bacteria do have this pathway. We depend upon them to supply us with essential amino acids (among many other things like Tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, Tyrosine, dopamine, adrenaline and melanin. When these amino acids are out of balance, as have been found when amounts of Roundup are discovered in the blood of Autistic children, a direct correlation begins unfolding.

Some Biomarkers for Autism are:
  • Disrupted gut bacteria;
  • inflammatory bowel;
  • Low serum sulfate
  • Methionine deficiency
  • Serotonin and melatonin deficiency
  • Defective aromatase (CYP enzyme)
  • Zinc and iron deficiency
  • High serum nitrate and ammonia
  • Impaired immune function
  • Chronic low-­grade inflammation in the brain
Above we see two or more coexisting medical conditions or diseases that directly contribute to Autism: disrupted gut bacteria and impaired homeostasis of sulfur metabolites (especially sulfate). Two or more of these biomarkers found is almost certain that a child will have Autism. When we factor in that glyphosate is found in mother’s breast milk, there is no doubt of the directly correlation between Roundup and the diseases that are skyrocketing in our society now.

Interesting and quite concerning are the almost identical cofactors that were found to cause Autism, similarly which arose from the findings of Roundup found in people with cancer and a host of other diseases as well.
This new study has shown just how urgent the need is for Roundup to be removed from the marketplace before its allowed to continue to wreak even more havoc on the health of people around the world.


Related posts:
  1. Not Just Bees: Disappearence of Monarch Butterflies Linked To Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Not...
  2. Exposing Monsanto’s RoundUp and Glyphosate: Human Blood is Not ‘RoundUp Ready’ A new study published in Pesticide...
  3. EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’ The EPA, whose mission is...
  4. Sri Lanka First Country to Ban Monsanto’s Glyphosate Due to Study on Chronic Kidney Disease Sri Lanka has beome...
  5. EPA Raises Levels Of Monsanto’s Herbicide Allowed In Food ...
- See more at: Health Freedom Alliance » Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer

End of article

Please consider emailing the email below or information about this to State
representatives and Provincial members, as well as Federal reps. I did not
include links for them but they are easy to find using Google.

If you think you are too busy to do this or if you don't see the importance of doing this, then you didn't get the message. Please read this entire email again and determine if your family is worth it. I believe that sending these emails may be more effective than a petition. And with the internet and emails there really is no excuse. Think don't have to write a letter on paper, buy a stamp and remember to mail it. You can send 5 or 10 emails in minutes which would have taken you hours to do by snail mail. Don't grumble. Be thankful that you have an opportunity to be a part of something this worthwhile.

Here are the links for federal government representatives for the US and Canada

US Senators - Federal
US Congress
1) Click any state
2) Click on Congressman's name
3) On the Menu, click on Contact
4) Click on Contact Information (each website is configured
differently so some of these instructions may not apply)
5) Proceed from there. Congressmen don't give an email
address but you can copy and paste this email into the
email system provided on each website. If you do find
an email address, by all means, send to it, too.

Canadian Members of Parliament link:

Canadian senators' phone, fax and email list:
Copy and paste the email below into another email and mail it to as many reps as possible. If you do just a few each day, it won't seem like such a big chore.

First copy and paste the email below into an email and mail it to yourself along with the links for your country's gov't will be easier to copy and paste from your email. If you don't understand about anything of this, please feel free to ask me anything. If you don't know how to copy and paste, for example, I will create step-by-step instructions for you. Write me at >>

Here's the sample of a letter you can use to send to all representatives in your country...
Dear Mr Representative < < < put his/her name here

Below is an article about a scientific study which shows how dangerous and destructive the glyphosate in Monsanto's Roundup is to humans, animals and beneficial insects. Please pay attention especially to the parts I have highlighted in yellow.

What will it take for you to act against Monsanto and Roundup? Your family eats Genetically Modified Foods (GMO's), do they not, or are we paying you so well that you can afford to buy organic produce? What will you do when Monsanto tries to have organic produce outlawed? Monsanto uses Roundup to produce those GMO foods and dumps tons and tons of it on the world EVERY YEAR!! Are you going to wait to act until every second one of your grandchildren is born with Autism? See the statistics on Autism in the article below. Do you realize the tremendous burden that is placed on a parent with an Autistic child ..not to mention a healthy normal child's life is ruined?

Or are you going to wait until people are dropping dead like flies of Cancer, Alzheimers, Diabetes, ETC.? Don't think it can't happen to you. Have a nice death.

I am aware that politicians often consult with those they consider experts and these experts are often people from Multi-National Mega Companies. Isn't it time that you consulted with experts with alternative views, too, so that you can weigh the evidence properly? The Mega Companies have been lying to the government for years to further their own corrupt agenda and many of the old-time politicians know this but they, too, have been selling their souls to these satanic organizations. Shame on them!!

Everything Monsanto tells you is lies. They have proven over and over again that they cannot be trusted. For another side to the story of GMO's and Roundup, go to: Institute for Responsible Technology -

Other sites that are helpful for information regarding GMO's is and
Just do a Search for GMOs. Here's a recent article on Dr Mercola's site >>>
Large Pig Study Reveals Significant Inflammatory Response to Genetically Engineered Foods

{As an aside: If patents were not allowed on genetically modified animals and plants (and all living matter) we might not be needing this conversation. They even want to genetically modify people and patent us so they can own us pigs. How evil can they get?!! How long will it take before the government outlaws these patents? Remember this, it is us, not these mega companies who vote for you to work for us and we are paying you.}

Please read this article.....

Monsanto’s Roundup Linked to Autism, Parkinson’s, and Cancer

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. Monsanto asserts it is not toxic to humans, but here a new study proves otherwise.

Residue of Roundup are found in the main foods of the Western diet, composed primarily of sugar, corn, soy and wheat. Glyphosate inhibit necessary key enzymes in our bodies which create a toxic effect on beneficial insects, animals and people. These enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify xenobiotics, a chemical which is found in an organism but is not normally produced or expected to be present.

Stephanie Seneff , a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory who uncovered the results of this study, explains the documented effects of glyphosate and its ability to induce disease. And it also shows that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of the disruption of homeostasis (the imbalance of cell regulation which can lead to the cause of many diseases) by environmental toxin such as found with Roundup.

This new study shows that Roundup enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues and environmental toxins. Far-reaching health implications of this toxic chemical significantly impact the body due to its use in farming and other areas where food may grow. And what this new study has uncovered is the effects of Roundup are insidiously manifesting slowly over time as inflammation damages many different cellular systems throughout the body.

Consequences with most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet include gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease all stem from even the smallest trace amounts of Roundup that is found in theses foods we eat. And the FDA allows trace amounts of glyphosate in the foods that we buy and eat.

When we take into account of the significant increase in Autism, something very profound emerges.
  • One in 150 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in 2007
  • One in 100 kids were diagnosed Autism Spectrum in 2009
  • One in 50 kids were diagnosed on Autism Spectrum in Mar. 2013.
  • The rate was 1 in 10,000 in 1970. <<<<
Monsanto has argued that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don’t have the shikimate pathway, which is necessary for amino acid biosynthesis. However, our gut bacteria do have this pathway. We depend upon them to supply us with essential amino acids (among many other things like Tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin, Tyrosine, dopamine, adrenaline and melanin. When these amino acids are out of balance, as have been found when amounts of Roundup are discovered in the blood of Autistic children, a direct correlation begins unfolding.

Some Biomarkers for Autism are:
  • Disrupted gut bacteria;
  • inflammatory bowel;
  • Low serum sulfate
  • Methionine deficiency
  • Serotonin and melatonin deficiency
  • Defective aromatase (CYP enzyme)
  • Zinc and iron deficiency
  • High serum nitrate and ammonia
  • Impaired immune function
  • Chronic low-­grade inflammation in the brain
Above we see two or more coexisting medical conditions or diseases that directly contribute to Autism: disrupted gut bacteria and impaired homeostasis of sulfur metabolites (especially sulfate). Two or more of these biomarkers found is almost certain that a child will have Autism. When we factor in that glyphosate is found in mother’s breast milk, there is no doubt of the directly correlation between Roundup and the diseases that are skyrocketing in our society now.

Interesting and quite concerning are the almost identical cofactors that were found to cause Autism, similarly which arose from the findings of Roundup found in people with cancer and a host of other diseases as well.
This new study has shown just how urgent the need is for Roundup to be removed from the marketplace before its allowed to continue to wreak even more havoc on the health of people around the world.


Related posts:
  1. Not Just Bees: Disappearence of Monarch Butterflies Linked To Monsanto’s Roundup Herbicide Not...
  2. Exposing Monsanto’s RoundUp and Glyphosate: Human Blood is Not ‘RoundUp Ready’ A new study published in Pesticide...
  3. EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’ The EPA, whose mission is...
  4. Sri Lanka First Country to Ban Monsanto’s Glyphosate Due to Study on Chronic Kidney Disease Sri Lanka has beome...
  5. EPA Raises Levels Of Monsanto’s Herbicide Allowed In Food ...
- See more at:

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