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Luella May

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7 Ways to Have Younger Looking Skin
5/21/2013 8:33:47 PM

7 Ways to Have Younger Looking Skin

by Loretta Lanphier, NP, CN, HHP, CH

(The Best Years in Life) Summer is (almost) here, and with it comes an increased exposure to the sun for most of us. Despite the bad reputation being out in the sun has developed in recent years, when done properly it can be wonderful for your health. If you stay out of the sun during peak hours (generally 10am-4pm), and if you use safe and effective sunscreen, sunshine is the best source of vitamin D available. Vitamin D is a powerful nutrient that has many health benefits, including improving and protecting your skin and supporting your immune system so that your own body can keep itself well. Read More.

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives

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