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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
I Manifest My Good
5/21/2013 1:28:09 PM

The Daily Meditation 05.21.2013

I Manifest My Good

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

Kathy Mathiason, RScP

I know that the Energy I call God is Divine Intelligence, Infinite Wisdom, and the Universal Presence that energizes everything in existence.

There is the Law of Nature which plants a seed and knows it will grow to be what it was intended to be; this works within me. I live, move, and have my being in and as the Life of the Divine. God works and moves through me. I am an individualized expression of the Universal Presence and Loving Power, manifesting that which I truly desire in my life.

I speak my word with clear intention, knowing I possess all the goodness of God, which manifests Itself in and as my life. I experience a healthy body that is strong, vibrant, flexible, fully alive, and energized. I possess a sound mind filled with peace, joy, love, harmony and creative ideas. I am spiritually alive, rooted in God and energized by the Source of All Life. I know that Its nature is Good, Loving, and Abundant. I am blessed with these same qualities. I speak my work, knowing that this is so! I believe it. I accept it. I receive it. I give great thanks that this is so.

And So It Is!

Kathy Mathiason is Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: I Manifest My Good
5/22/2013 11:54:04 AM
As always a very good way to start our day.

Thanks for sharing. Helps keep us grounded in what is important and what isn't.

Bob Shoaf
I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart
Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: I Manifest My Good
5/23/2013 1:30:11 PM

Thank you for your kind comment. May you have an amazing day!


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