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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
1/7/2014 5:53:38 PM
Hi Jim,

As with gay marriage, excessive tolerance in the name of equal rights is now backfiring. In my opinion, the authorities should have never let them have their way with such abominable initiative.

Over the centuries, schollars have debated what the 'Abomination of desolation' in the Book of Daniel was. Was it the image of Zeus that was brought into the Temple by the Greeks after they entered the city? Again in my opinion, this is even worse because it is not something that has been forced by any enemy but agreed upon by U.S. authorities - acting on behalf of the U.S. people.

I may be wrong of course, but with acts like these, you could say the U.S. is courting the enemy, Satan. Beware, you could be attracting Soddom and Gomorrah's fate.



Fair representation or purely evil, What Do You Think? Be sure to share your thoughts and comments.

Satanic Temple unveils 7-foot goat-headed Baphomet statue for Oklahoma Capitol
By Eric W. Dolan Monday, January 6, 2014 14:33 EST

The Satanic Temple, a religious group based in New York City, on Monday unveiled their design for a monument they hope to erect at the Oklahoma Statehouse.

The 7-foot-tall monument would include a goat-headed Baphomet figure sitting cross-legged on a stone slab, flanked by two smiling children. The monument would also include quotes from poets Lord Byron and William Blake.

“The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond. The statue will serve as a beacon calling for compassion and empathy among all living creatures. The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation,” spokesman Lucien Greaves explained.

The group offered to donate a monument last month, after State Rep. Mike Ritze (R-Broken Arrow) and conservative Christians were allowed to erect a Ten Commandments monument on the statehouse grounds.

Lawmakers in Oklahoma, however, have insisted that the Satanists should not be given the same treatment as Christians.

“This is a faith-based nation and a faith-based state,” Rep. Earl Sears (R-Bartlesville) said. “I think it is very offensive they would contemplate or even have this kind of conversation.”
Satanic Temple unveils 7-foot goat-headed Baphomet statue for Oklahoma Capitol
By Eric W. Dolan Monday, January 6, 2014 14:33 EST
After other groups — including PETA and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster — asked for their own displays, the Oklahoma City Capitol Preservation Commission placed a moratorium on new monuments at the statehouse.

But the Satanic Temple insists erecting a monument of their own is within their constitutional rights.

“Our monument celebrates an unwavering respect for the Constitutional values of religious freedom and free expression,” Greaves explained. “Satanism is a fundamental component at the genesis of American liberty. Medieval witch-hunts taught us to adopt presumption of innocence, secular law, and a more substantive burden of proof.

“Today, we are rightly offended by the notion of blasphemy laws and divine fiats. Acknowledging wrongful persecutions has helped shape the legal system that preserves the sovereignty of our skeptics, heretics, and the misunderstood. It has shaped a proud culture of tolerance and free inquiry. This is to be a historical marker commemorating the scapegoats, the marginalized, the demonized minority, and the unjustly outcast.”

The group hopes to raise $20,000 by January 17 to build the monument.

“We trust that this unique monument will also prove a favorite tourist attraction to Oklahoma’s Capitol for years to come,” Greaves remarked.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
1/8/2014 1:39:03 AM

Hard Subjects

A reader sends:

Detroit, Johannesburg – it is what the statist leave in their wake. Psychopaths who destroy everything they touch. They are able to do this as the control of the state superseded individual nature thus by proxy of usurpation of individual Liberty and it’s inherent self determination, this destruction runs rampant.

The true checks and balances to accumulation of power are not words on parchment, it is natural individual sovereignty, which begins with each of us. These cities are not what is lost, things can be remade, they are symptoms of the abrogation of each of us of our Liberty.

What may bake your noodle is it could not happen any other way.

To begin cities are not the seats of Liberty. They are tyranny magnets, places in time and culture where ulterior influence and men gravitate. For it is in these places is where power and greed and hubris is able to concentrate. From these beginnings it is a non stop free for all of rule of men. Men who will not stop until they are eradicated from our culture.

What must happen is for each of us to build our tribes. These rulers of darkness can not destroy what is born from our selves unless we give up. They have no leverage beyond what each and every single Freeman will voluntarily relinquish. It is why the rural places, the mountains and hollows, the forests and the plains are places of defiance and resistance. Hot beds of faith and natural perseverance, cathedrals of individualism and freedom.

If folks are self-reliant, beginning with themselves and moving out to tribe, a culture of industriousness and sufficiency exists. Freemen whose station in life is not only centered around family and community, are people of means who produce things of value in their community, who compliment others crafts and skills, provide direct connection from source to use, a system of symbiotic Liberty and wealth, sustenance of culture of Liberty. A system of tribe and community which is by it’s nature accountable at every level with the whole armor of brotherhood of common values and faith.

As farmers, and blacksmiths, woodworkers and cheese makers, seamstress and tanners, welders and masons, herbalists and trappers, artisans, craftsmen, hunters, trappers, animal husbandry and healers, ranchers and drovers, carpenters and miners, poets and teachers, ministers and brewers, machinists and dairymen: to those who flourish in their wealth and power in the cities, they have no means to dominate such tribes and community. Their power and wealth is useless. For what need of Freemen of such worthless trinkets of rule and the way of such tyranny?

There is great truths in this, for each of us, tribe, and community, to be understood. It is the true salvation, an intrinsic savings grace, that there is no other way out of what will be one sprawling Detroit if we do not find a way, to secure for ourselves, beginning with each of us, and then our family and tribe, this base of Liberty and self determination.

These centers of gravity, called cities, are dying. They have consumed everything and now they are imploding from the vacuum left in the wake destruction of the individual, tribe, and community, of Liberty. There is no supporting cultural structure. There are no local resources. There is only a system of takers at the top who control every facet within the confines of this sphere of life.

The powerful and rich have sucked the bones of cities dry. There is nothing left to steal or gerrymander. No one remains who produces something but more greed and special interest and the power of those things in this system of tyranny.

There is nothing left of value to steal and control.

And what do men with power want?

They are coming for what is out here.

They have begun to try to disarm folks, and destroy faith, control the water of the stream and creek, spring and cistern, control seed and sprout, they are counting cows and watching trails, mapping the spectrum’s and spying down from heavens heights.

It is now that the final battle for America begins.

It is coming sure as the sun rises.
A war over Liberty.
Liberty to take, verses the Liberty to keep your Liberty and what rightfully belongs to you.

It will not be in the cities. It will take place where true wealth exists, of the land and its resources, at the individual level.

These psychopaths want what exists out in the frontiers. What they can not abide by at the same time is their power and riches are useless out in the wilds of the bitter clingers, populated by productive people who hold faith and other virtues closely. People who these psychopaths have flown over with impunity and contempt.

They are coming. They have amassed a leviathan with the singular purpose of eating out the existence of flyover nation. What they have done to the Detroits and Johannesburgs has been underway in precincts and town halls, in county seats and schools.

They are coming.

In the scope, the size, breadth and depth of this frontier, concentration of wealth, of serfdom and slavery of and to the state, the massing of power and it’s riches as in the Detroit’s is not possible. What will be attempted is to attack the essential elements of life: water, food, and land. The leviathan will send forth a horde of vermin whose mission is to raze the fields forests and plains of it’s tribe and community. Denude it of traditions faith and family nurture. To suffocate the farmers and land holders with diktat, the weight of unattainable regulation, then it will confiscate the carcass it believes will be left after this plague of vultures eats out the existence of these Freemen.

They miscalculate something essential.

The truth is this leviathan and those controlling it are far from omnipotent. They benefit from decades of having it easy. Their social meddling and engineering has made them fat and ignorant. It has been easy pickings, shooting fish in a barrel, fish of the Detroit’s bred but for one purpose, a willing population of useful dupes and government plantation supplicants.

There is only one way this war is going to be waged.
As a war of extermination.
It is where it is all going.
It is inevitable as it is the way of such things.

The psychopaths will not be capable of fulfilling their agenda.
It is their extermination that will be the result.
There are no alternatives in this.
They are coming and it is only you who stands in their way.

What are you going to do?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
1/10/2014 7:21:49 PM

Facebook Hit With Lawsuit: Could Mistrust Spell The End Of The Social Giant?

Facebook, the popular social network with over a billion users world wide, has just been hit with a class-action lawsuit. The allegations, revealed in the FT, are that Facebook systematically scans the content of private messages so it can sell the data to third parties such as advertisers.

Facebook’s entire business model is based on the fact that it monitors what users write, like and up-load in order to sell this information on to others. I have covered some of the concerns about this in my articles ‘How Facebook Exploits Your Private Information’ and ‘How Facebook Likes Reveal Your Intimate Secrets’. In principle, there is nothing wrong with Facebook using our data to make commercial gains. In the end, the service is free and Facebook has to make money somehow. However, my biggest concern is that the data mining activities are not as transparent as they should be.

Facebook has been criticized for this lack of transparency on many occasions, but two Facebook users now believe Facebook has gone too far. Users Matthew Campbell from Arkansas and Michael Hurley from Oregon have filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the over 166m Facebook users in the US. The accusation is that Facebook is violating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act by scanning and exploiting the content of private messages sent via the Facebook platform without prior consent by users.

The issue here is that ‘private’ messages are seen by most users as exactly that: private! The accusation is that Facebook identifies website links (URLs) contained in private messages and then searches these websites in order to profile users. In their accusation Campbell and Hurley argue: "Representing to users that the content of Facebook messages is 'private' creates an especially profitable opportunity for Facebook, because users who believe they are communicating on a service free from surveillance are likely to reveal facts about themselves that they would not reveal had they known the content was being monitored."

A Facebook spokesperson told Bloomberg that the allegations are without merit and that Facebook will defend itself vigorously. Of course they would say that. The trouble for Facebook is to strike the right balance between offering a customer service in form of a free social networking platform and shareholder returns, especially profits from selling data and advertising.

To answer my own question from the headline: No, I don’t think that this lawsuit will be the end of Facebook. However, I do feel very strongly about the need for better transparency about how our data is used and believe it can lead to a loss of trust that could seriously threaten companies like Facebook. To me, it feels like Facebook (as well as many other companies including Google, Yahoo! etc.) are trying to hide the data mining and analytics activities in their very long Terms and Conditions, to which most people sign up but rarely fully read or understand. Maybe a simple opt out with an alternative “paid for” service would be a good option.

What do you think? What is your view on Facebook exploiting your private data? Would you consider a “paid for” service if your privacy was guaranteed? Please share your views…


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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
1/15/2014 6:08:40 PM

There is NO "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming

Freeman Dyson

[photo credit]
American physicist

[YouTube interview Part1] [YouTube interview Part2]

[official website] [Wikipedia]

[essay by, 2007] [interview with, 2007] [article by, 2008]

[profile of, 2009]

Freeman Dyson is a scientist of enormous stature. For more than four decades, he taught theoretical physics at Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study - described by the New York Timesas "the most rarefied community of scholars" in the US.

In a recent 8,000-word profile, the Times says Dyson is "a scientist whose intelligence is revered by other scientists." One colleague describes him as "infinitely smart." Another says: "You point Freeman at a problem and he’ll solve it. He’s extraordinarily powerful.”

Dyson is also a longstanding member of JASON - "a small government-financed group of the country’s finest scientists" that evaluates matters of an often classified nature. At JASON meetings, in which everyone present is considered brilliant, reports the Times, someone will idly pose a math question and Dyson will quickly provide an answer, pointing out that "the smallest such number is 18 digits long."

In the words of one of Dyson's colleagues, "When this happened one day at lunch, the table fell silent; nobody had the slightest idea how Freeman could have known such a fact or...could have derived it in his head in about two seconds.”

Dyson, who has written several books and received numerous awards (including 21 honorary degrees), is a big-picture thinker. The Times says he's known for his "interpretive clarity" and his "penetrating ability to grasp the method and significance of what many kinds of scientists do."

Now 85, Dyson has lived in the same house for more than 50 years and has been married to the same woman for equally as long. His car bears an Obama bumper sticker.

For the past four years, he has also challenged prevailing ideas about climate change. In a nutshell, he thinks the computer-generated models being used to predict long-term climate consequences are flawed because scientists have too little information about many of the variables that must be taken into account.

In 2007, Dyson reminded a Salon writer: "I was in the business of studying climate change at least 30 years ago before it became fashionable." Having seen many faddish notions come and go, Dyson is distressed that many environmentalists now believe "global warming is the greatest threat to the ecology of our planet."

Although the public thinks that "anyone who is skeptical about the dangers of global warming is an enemy of the environment," he feels the opposite is true.

"Many of the skeptics are passionate environmentalists," he insists. But they believe old-fashioned pollution and nuclear weapons are bigger concerns.

Based on Dyson's understanding of where the science of biotechnology is headed, he feels that "in 50 years, this whole problem of fossil fuels will evaporate." Just as computer technology has transformed the world in recent decades, he foresees a future in which biologists are able to manipulate the fuel-producing - and carbon dioxide processing - properties of trees.

"We'll have an ample supply of fuel without having to dig it out of the ground," he insists. "Fifty years is long enough for that kind of technology to take over the world, and 50 years is short enough so that the climate won't have changed very much in the meantime."

Dyson may or may not be correct about global warming. But as he himself points out, his arguments deserve to be heard. Silencing our finest minds won't lead to a better future.

[last edit: May 2009]

quotes from Freeman Dyson:
  • In the history of science it has often happened that the majority was wrong and refused to listen to a minority that later turned out to be right. [article by, 2008]

  • Climate change is part of the normal order of things, and we know it was happening before humans came. [interview with, 2007]

  • Just because you see pictures of glaciers falling into the ocean doesn't mean anything bad is happening. This is something that happens all the time. It's part of the natural cycle of things. [interview with, 2007]

  • It makes very little sense to believe the output of the climate models. [YouTube interview Part1]

  • Vegetation is really controlling what happens...whereas the emphasis in the climate models has always been on the atmosphere. [YouTube interview Part1]

  • There is no doubt that parts of the world are getting warmer, but the warming is not global.[essay by, 2007]

  • The idea that global warming is the most important problem facing the world is total nonsense and is doing a lot of harm. It distracts people's attention from much more serious problems. [interview with, 2007]

  • The average ground temperature of the Earth is impossible to measure since most of the Earth is ocean...So this average ground temperature is a fiction. [YouTube interview Part2]

  • When I listen to the public debates about climate change, I am impressed by the enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations and the superficiality of our theories. [essay by, 2007]

  • We simply don't know yet what's going to happen to the carbon in the atmosphere.[YouTube interview Part1]

  • Computer models of the climate....[are] a very dubious business if you don't have good inputs. [YouTube interview Part1]

  • We do not know how much of the environmental change is due to human activities and how much [is due] to long-term natural processes over which we have no control. [essay by, 2007]

  • It is not surprising that honest and well-informed experts can disagree about facts. But beyond the disagreement about facts, there is another deeper disagreement about values.[essay by, 2007]

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
1/30/2014 2:31:24 PM

The New Roles Of Marketers And Researchers


What is it, exactly, that brand marketers want to do? Maybe this question only makes sense to marketing researchers like me because to many researchers it seems that, increasingly, marketers want us to do their jobs. I’m not being critical. I’m just wondering what the role of brand marketers will become if, or more likely when, researchers step up to the biggest strategic roles that marketers fill today.

For decades, but especially lately, marketing researchers have been criticized for not being trusted strategic advisors. A surfeit of technical mastery but a dearth of insight. A project orientation instead of a relationship orientation. Too much reporting; too little storytelling.

This criticism has been taken to heart. The shared view within the research profession is that the future of marketing research must be built on two new competencies – consulting and synthesis.

Simon Chadwick and Ian Lewis, partners at Cambiar and ex-senior researchers, have included among the consulting skills that researchers will need to master such things as value creation, stakeholder alignment, opportunity identification, creating intellectual property and communicating for impact. That certainly sounds like things marketers do.

Similarly, Stan Sthanunathan, head of global insights at Unilever and formerly at Coke, has said that the role of researchers must be to “provide provocation and inspiration that drive transformation and actions that generate growth,” which means “dreaming about the future and taking our customers there.” In other words, inspiration for brand leadership, and that, too, sounds like marketing.

Brands operate in a new era of data abundance, much of which is available through observation rather than asking, and more and more of which is accessible to brand marketers on demand. What marketers need from researchers is not more data but more help making sense of the torrent at hand. It’s more about data mining than data collection, and that means synthesizing complexity into a few core insights.

Marketing researchers are measuring up to this challenge. But while new to research, this challenge is not new. Ted Levitt, the late Harvard marketing guru, put it in different words but argued the same idea when he articulated the proposition that people don’t buy products; they buy solutions to problems. In the 1960 “Marketing Myopia” piece in the Harvard Business Review that put him on the map, Levitt pointed out that companies go off-track when they focus on selling products instead of meeting customers’ needs. Levittsaw this as a problem that carries over into what marketers ask of marketing research. He wrote:

“To the extent the consumer is studied at ail (which is not much), the focus is forever on getting information that is designed to help…improve what they are now doing. They try to discover more convincing advertising themes, more effective sales promotional drives, what the market shares of the various companies are, what people like or dislike about…dealers…and so forth. Nobody seems as interested in probing deeply into the basic human needs that the industry might be trying to satisfy as in probing into the basic properties of the raw material that the companies work with in trying to deliver customer satisfactions. Basic questions about customers and markets seldom get asked. The latter occupy a stepchild status.”

What’s critical for a better marketing focus, Levitt wrote in a later piece, is better research:

“To decide correctly what’s to be done and how to do it requires having good data about customers, competitors and markets. Even more, it requires the imaginative conversion of these data into meaningful and usable information. The best way to know your prospects is in a way that is more fundamental and compelling than what’s usually yielded by the purely metrical methods so common in market research today. The difference between data and information is that while data are crudely aggregated collections of raw facts, information represents the selective organization and imaginative interpretation of those facts.”

What Levitt said of research then is exactly what is being said today about consulting and synthesis, with one key difference.

Levitt was telling marketers and business strategists what they must do and how to oversee the internal systems, research in particular, that provide them with what they need to lead. Today, instead, these imperatives are being put to marketing researchers as the necessary ingredients of the new leadership role they must play within their companies. In short, what used to be the job of marketers – Levitt’s imaginative conversion of data into information – is now said to be the job of marketing researchers.

This conflation of roles and skills goes in both directions. Not only must researchers think more like marketers but marketers must think more like researchers as well. The abundance of data is making marketing more data-intensive, for which a high level of data savvy is required. No longer are researchers the only ones who must know how to navigate metrics and analytics.

In their respective aptitudes, marketers and marketing researchers have become one in the same. However, a crucial difference remains. While competencies are blurring, responsibilities are not. Brand marketers remain responsible for the integrity of the brand. Marketing researchers remain responsible for the integrity of the data. It is crucial not to overlook this difference.

Researchers must improve how they represent what they know and how they apply it, but they must never let that distract them from the fundamental requirement that the data they rely on is correct. Indeed, this is the single biggest risk of the transition researchers are making. There is so much emphasis on consulting and synthesis that the very real problems of unprojectable data and over-interpretation of chance findings lurking beneath the surface of things like Big Data, social listening and online communities are being overlooked.

Without question, researchers must become more brand-savvy, but not to the detriment of data integrity. There is no other safeguard of data than researchers, so this responsibility remains central to marketing research. Otherwise, marketing researchers will be synthesizing and consulting with data sure to send brands down more blind alleys than ever.

Nearly all of the discussion about the future of marketing research either sweeps data integrity under the rug or ignores it in the mistaken belief that more data or observational data or sensor data or whatever automatically means quality data. With data more important than ever, the importance of data quality has never been greater. Marketing researchers must add brand competencies to their portfolio, but these must never crowd out data competencies.

No less so, marketers are on the hook for the integrity of brands. Researchers must step up their contributions in ways that can make a bigger difference, but ultimate brand responsibility lies with marketers.

This is the answer for what brand marketers must do. Levitt had it right. The future for marketers is not to yield their place to researchers but to ensure the integrity of brands by building and managing a sharper, nimbler organization in which all elements, especially research, are ever more brand-focused while remaining data-true.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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