Hello everyone and welcome to Preppers in AdlandPro Community. Preppers is a term given to those that are preparing for our uncertain future. Stocking up on supplies that we will all need can be a costly, time consuming, and frustrating experience for those that do not know what supplies we will need. When discussing this topic, the first thing on everyone's mind would be food. After that, they draw a blank. Therefore, I'm asking all the Preppers in AdlandPro to please stop by and let us know how you are preparing for the future and what you have learned on how to save money.
I have been concerned about this for quite some time and recently I became an associated with a company that I believe has a lot to offer. I invite you to visit my website at http://www.countryvalues65.com and scroll down until you see this banner.
Click on the banner and get started protecting your family for what lies ahead. Also, you can become an affiliate and save yourself a lot of money.
If you think that your government (not just the USA but all countries are going to be there to help you, think again. When Katrina hit New Orleans, truck loads of food were shipped out almost immediately by volunteer organizations throughout the country but were stopped not too far from their destination and told to wait for word from Washington. George W. Bush. By the time that he gave to okay a lot of victims were dying of starvation. Fema had dozens of Mobile homes parked in a parking lot for those that lost their homes. As far as I know, those homes are still sitting there. Time after time, when citizens of our country and other countries needed help it wasn't there. At least not in time to save a lot of people. Therefore, it has come to the point that we have to rely on ourselves and our neighbors because our oliticians are too busy saving themselves to be bothered with us. Do those words sound harsh. I'm sorry, I was trying to be polite. If you took a poll on who has been preparing for the future, and if you got honest results, you would find that the majority of politicians and millionaires have been preparing for twenty years or more and that many of them have private underground bunkers fully stocked, not to mention the vast network of bunkers underneath the White House. Therefore, we have to act on our own because THEY are already secure.
Yes, it would be nice if we could say that it doesn't affect us, but it does. Perhaps not her, but the rest of us. (Thank you Nellie)
I brought in some videos to show you how to get started. I noticed that on almost every video, guns are mentioned as being necessary. I do not believe that is true. I do not believe a gun has ever solved anything and never will. I may be completely wrong, however that item would not be on my agenda. That being said, if I ever do build a bunker I'm not telling you where.
I do have a couple of suggestions. I would stock up on a lot of batteries and use as many products as possible that run by battery because chances are there will be power shortages.
Many people in the U.S. have seen this advertised on T.V. By one, get one free. Just pay the extra tax. $19.99. By the time that you pay the extra tax, your bill has come to $46.99. You just paid for two lanterns. You didn't save a dime. Walgreens has them on sale for around the same price. This takes two D batteries.
These are $12.98 each. Two D batteries.
Touch light. $19.96 3 triple AAA batteries
This can be purchased at http://www.harrietcarter.com I get no commision whatsoever. I just feel that it is best to shop around for the best prices. As an example, cleaning supplies and toilet paper are much cheaper at Family Dollar Stores and Dollar Tree. Spices, as an example are $1.00each and sometime two for $1.00
What makes Preppers Tick?
10 items for new Preppers
Preppers Garage Tour Reorganization of SHTF Supplies
Food Storage Long Term Prepper shows long term food storage
Yeah, you go ahead and rest. I have to look this over.