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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
I Surrender All
5/14/2013 1:16:00 PM

The Daily Meditation 05.14.2013

I Surrender All

Lovater H. Jones, RScP

Lovater H. Jones,RScP“I surrender all to Thee my blessed Savior, I surrender all”

Judson W. Van DeVenter

(1855 – 1939

This song was born when the composer was faced with a life changing decision. He had come face-to-face with having to decide which way to take his life. As he struggled, with thoughts of “what shall I do;” “which way should I go;” “what if I fail;” the guidance appeared to him in the form of a song. ”I Surrender All.” He gave it over to the God of his being, knowing that his decision was Divinely Guided! He could let go with certainty. He took his hand off of it and gave it to God. He let it go! He surrendered!

Often we find ourselves at a crossroad, wondering which way to go. Choosing to surrender to a Presence, an Essence that is greater than the dilemma that we are facing, lifts the “burden” freeing us to move forward and with an assurance that all is well. We do what is for us to do, then we let go and let God!

AFFIRMATION: I let go of all worries, thoughts of doubts, lack and limitations, and all forms of sickness and fears. I release and let all of my concerns to the Spirit of God that indwells my very being. I surrender these concerns, right here and right now! By surrendering, I simply step aside and allow God to be God in me and in all that concerns me. I declare with conviction, that it is done.

And so it is!

Lovater H. Jones is a practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: I Surrender All
5/14/2013 3:44:31 PM
Yes, always be positive. Say your self-talk 500 times per day. Begin by saying, "I am .....".

If you do that and believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that it will happen, then it will happen.

Enjoy your day and have a very pleasant one.

I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart
Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: I Surrender All
5/15/2013 1:17:07 PM

Thank you so much for the comment and tip. Great idea! May you have an amazing day!

Bob Shoaf

202 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: I Surrender All
5/16/2013 12:36:25 PM
Thanks David,

With prayerful meditation and meaningful self-talk, we can literally move mountains.

There have been many examples just since the early 1900s that prove beyond a doubt it can happen.

If a person is in a bad situation, they are there because they allowed themselves to be there. Any person can change their situation for the better, if they chose.

And thanks, I will have an amazing day. That's our choice, right David?
I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart

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