Hi Roger, I agree with everyone on all of these paintings. It is a shame that over the years, we have had so many subliminal messages being fed to us through religions and censorships in the media that nudity is a bad thing. The human body is the most beautiful work of art that there is. In Genisis, after Eve took a bite from the forbidden fruit, and tempted Adam to do the same, they both realized that they were naked and that it was wrong, so they covered themselves. When GOD punished them, it was not because they were naked, but rather because they disobeyed him by eating of the fruit. Every animal on Earth goes through life as they were born, except for the human animal. Seconds after a baby is born, a diaper is applied. The pictures that I enjoy the most are that of average people. Although a naked picture of Marilyn Monroe would be exciting, a picture of someone a little heavier, or thinner, or perhaps miss proportioned would be more appealing because it would be more natural. As long as we have censorship and the Vatican dictating to us what we like and what we don't like, we will never be able to enjoy true art. If I am not mistaken, some of Michael Angelo's first paintings had to be redone because of the nudity, which was done, in my opinion, in good taste. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com