Quote: Wow, I was surprised to find that contrary to popular belief, there are actually many physicists that not only believe in God—but also embrace and marvel at the magnificence of GOD through their science. What the? This cannot be!!!!But of course, we also have many, much louder physicists (that don’t smile much) that say, “Well, we don’t know what it is—but we know its not a God… silly peasants. In the meantime, here’s 214 formulas, 14 interactive 3-D computer simulations and 2 pie charts—- to make you think we’re close to figuring this thing out” Let’s just start with what we do know… The Law of Causality (cause and effect), which states that ‘all matter and energy’ must have a beginning. SO…whether ‘the Big Bang Theory’ or ‘a Heating & Cooling theory’—or something else entirely… it is widely held that SOMETHING had to be ‘eternal’— either Matter/Mass Energy) OR a Supreme Being (God).
Absolutely! The smokescreen of billions and billions of years still does not explain WHERE it all came from. So what if a "quantum dot" exploded... Where did it come from? It is a time tested fact that the natural world cannot create itself, nor could it have produced the "Big Bang," since everything natural needs a cause. So what must define a Primary Cause? That Primary Cause must be self existent, eternal, and outside of space and time. If God-denying scientists who recognize that face want to use the term, "Intelligent Design," they are at least on the right track, but what is so hard about calling it "God" and getting on to everything else?