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Karen Gigikos

230 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: karen gospel site
8/29/2014 4:55:40 AM
karen Gigikos Black Belt Granny
Karen Gigikos

230 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: karen gospel site
8/29/2014 11:21:45 PM
karen Gigikos Black Belt Granny
Karen Gigikos

230 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: karen gospel site
8/29/2014 11:23:55 PM

How does a person get to heaven?
If you ask most people this question, they might say something like, "If you do more good things than bad things, God will probably let you into heaven." That kind of thinking will reserve your place in hell. There is no amount of "good" that you can do that will pay for the sins that you have already committed. Sins are the bad things that we do. Sin is when we disobey God's holy righteous laws. Criminals have to go to jail. They don't commit murder, promise to be good, and then avoid punishment. They have to pay for what they did. The same thing applies to us as individuals. We have sinned against God's law and we are the criminals--lying, stealing, killing, committing whoredom, etc. We have sinned and payment must be made for our crimes--whether we go to hell and the lake of fire forever or whether we repent of our sins and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who paid the penalty of our sins with his own blood on the cross about 2,000 years ago. He did not remain dead--he rose from the dead on the third day, was seen of over 500 brethren at once, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
You need FAITH in the blood of Jesus to get into heaven. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, God manifested in the flesh, WAS CRUCIFIED FOR OUR SINS AS OUR SUBSTITUTE. In order to be saved and get into heaven, you must
REPENT of your sins
BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus Christ--his death, his burial, and his resurrection from the dead.
OBEY the word of God, the Bible commandments are not grievous--thieves stop stealing, liars stop lying, etc.). This is different than just trying to be good enough, which we cannot do. To be saved, WE REPENT OF OUR OLD WAYS, BELIEVE IN JESUS, AND TRY TO OBEY HIS WORD. Then, as we strive to obey him, he helps us to obey him.
We are sinners. We sin when we do things that God's word, the Bible, says that we are not do. Every person has sinned. People lie, disobey their parents, steal, kill, commit whoredom (being naked with people that they are not married to), are prideful, jealous, envious, covetous, boasters, drunkards, traitors, and more. There are no good deeds that you can do on your own that will erase the sins that you have committed. The Lord Jesus Christ SHED HIS BLOOD for your sins. He is perfect. He specifically came to this earth as a man to die in your place. He is God manifested in the flesh. He came down here to save you from the GUILT of past sins and from the POWER of sin over your life.
In the Bible, God tells us what we need to do to have eternal life. He tells us how we can to get to heaven, how we can go there--and he wants us to make it. He wants to know us and he wants us to make it into heaven. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (ref. 2 Peter 3:9). You are about to read the most important information that you will ever read. It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The gospel is God's message to mankind. If you will yield to the gospel of Jesus Christ, you will be reconciled to God and you will escape eternal damnation in hell and the lake of fire. Besides all of this, you will have abudant life right now as you walk with the Creator of the universe, the Lord Jesus Christ. All of this in spite of all the woes that the world will throw at you.

karen Gigikos Black Belt Granny
Karen Gigikos

230 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: karen gospel site
8/29/2014 11:24:57 PM

karen Gigikos Black Belt Granny
Karen Gigikos

230 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: karen gospel site
8/29/2014 11:25:59 PM

unsaved, unregenerate man does not keep God's commandments. God's commandments are in the Bible. The unsaved man does whatever he feels like doing every day giving no heed to God's word. He is not obedient to God's word. He lives according to the ways he chooses to live. Maybe the person reading this is what people call "religious" and they think that they love God. If you are not worshipping God according to his word, the Bible, he is not receiving your worship. This includes those that go to a church that teaches false doctrines--teachings that are not in the Bible. They that worship God must worship him in spirit and IN TRUTH (ref. John 4:24). And what is truth? Jesus said to the Father--
John 17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
We have to worship God according to his word, not according to our own ideas or the ideas of others.
There is no amount of good deeds that you can do to get into heaven. The Bible teaches that if we could earn our way into heaven, then the Lord Jesus Christ died for nothing.
do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. (Galatians 2:21)
But the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for nothing. Repenting of our sins and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way that we can make it into heaven. Righteousness does NOT come by the law and good works and rituals prescribed by false religions like Catholicism, Islam, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventism, Hinduism, etc. We need Jesus to pay the price for our sins. We cannot do it. Righteousness comes by repenting of our sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and his blood that was shed to pay for our sins. God will not accept our made up religions and attempts to please him. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO PLEASE GOD AND GET TO HEAVEN AND THAT IS THROUGH HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, WHO SHED HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD TO PAY FOR OUR SINS. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO GOD (ref. John 14:6). There is no other Saviour but Jesus. No one else can get us into heaven--not the pope, the Roman Catholic priest, Buddha, Muhammad, rabbis, et al. Only Jesus. He is the prophesied Jewish Messiah, the lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Son of David.
God is holy. We are sinful. By his very nature, God cannot have fellowship with us sinners. There is no amount of "good" that we can do to make up for our crimes against God. They must be punished. And the wages of sin is DEATH. Somebody has to DIE to pay for sins against God. Oh, you'll die physically--sin requires that. But you've got a choice about that SECOND DEATH where a man goes to the lake of fire that burneth with fire and brimstone....
We deserve the death penalty. This includes both physical death (the casket) and spiritual death (when the soul is cast into hellfire).
he wages of sin is death...(Romans 6:23)
God does not want to remain your enemy and he does not want you to go to hell.
As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die... (Ezekiel 33:11)
The Lord is...not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
In spite of man's wickedness and rebellion, God so loved us that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.
ohn 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Jesus came to save us from our sins--
and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people FROM their sins." (Matthew 1:21).
karen Gigikos Black Belt Granny

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