
Orval Gibson

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Procrastination-Recognizing and Conquering
4/25/2013 4:16:06 AM
Procrastination is the enemy of every business. Putting off until tomorrow those things that need to be done today. Procrastination will kill your business and your own personal growth. You don’t take decisive action and prevent procrastination from ruling your life and adding additional stress into the life that you are trying to achieve. Procrastination will lessen your sense of fulfillment in the work or services that you provide. Leading to you questioning your own self worth.

I am guilty as charged. I know it’s time to write an article or update my blog, but I will put that aside. Time’s passed by and time to prepare supper, time to run into town for shopping, or maybe washing clothes, or the dog still no new blog or article. Are you guilty of procrastination? Do you ever find yourself putting off some task rather than dealing with it at the right time?


Act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention: Time to stop procrastinating and take action. You have the power to change what is not working.

procastination,Procrastination Art of indecision…

Procrastination-Recognizing and Conquering

When you know where you are heading, you can develop a workable and motivating plan of action. Feeling in control of your goals will help you generate the self-confidence needed to maintain day-to-day forward momentum.

Carve out quality time to work on your business. Self-discipline involves consistently doing what it takes to ensure that your business goals become a reality.

Fear leads to procrastination. If you should find yourself procrastinating day after day, ask yourself, What am I avoiding? Take a good hard look at the factors and negative emotions that may be behind your procrastination. Focus on channeling your energy toward the parts of your business that are going well. Then use that positive energy to tap into your inner motivators.

Big Idea Mastermind will provide mindset training

It’s time to ask yourself why you are procrastinating

Orval, Big idea Mastermind
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