Hi Dave, I was born 35 miles from Boston and Shirley was born on the outskirts of Boston in Cambridge. We both still have strong ties in the Boston area and of course these people will be in our prayers. It seems that with all of the horrible displays of terror within the past year that there is no longer any justice. The word Justice means that there would have to be a justifiable reason that acts of this nature even takes place. When innocent people are maimed or killed for someone to (prove a point)even if they are caught and serve time for their crime, there is no justice for what they have done. The days when we were able to join in with a group of people and enjoy a day of good, wholesome fun are gone forever. This act of violence will cause tension in upcoming marathons in New York, Indiana and other locations because this one occured even though the whole route of the Marathon was patrolled repeatedly by bomb sniffing dogs. We do have to pray for the families and we also have to pray to GOD that these evil people either run out of steam or that they are finally caught and put away where they can do no more harm. I wish that there could be a sense of Justice being served, however I believe that word is quickly falling into antiquity. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com ![deepestsympathy.gif](http://community.adlandpro.com/UserContent/192260/ImageUploads/deepestsympathy.gif)