A TE that was created to honor the Men and Women that surf or have served their Country. If you are in the services or are a Veteran there is a special Roll Call page that you will be recognized. This site is fairly new but growing as we speak. If you decide to join and start surfing,look for the video Angel Flight and take a few min to watch and listen. It brought a tear to my eyes. Join us now without delay at: I was introduced to Veteran Surf by Admin's and good friends Justin an Marie Perrelet. From the moment that I started surfing I knew this was just not any old traffic exchange. The video Angel Wings that I found when surfing just blew me away and worth joining Veteran Surf alone and there is the introduction to the special greeting you can use when meeting the very special Men and Women from our services. A great site to promote your programs is just another plus. If you are a Veteran there is a special roll call page to honour you. Join me without delay at this unique TE created by a Veteran for our Veterans http://veteransurf.com/splashpage.php?splashid=16&rid=329