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Dave Cottrell

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Profitable Sunrise
4/11/2013 12:00:24 AM

That's what I'm seeing from one of the group leaders of Profitable Sunrise.

I won't name names, because I think he really IS trying to be a good guy, and really HAS bought the whole lie, hook, line and sinker, that there is an easy and painless way to wealth.

Well, guess what? Some people will just NEVER learn! Profitable Sunrise had all the earmarks of a scam, right from the very beginning, yet this person, who brought a lot of people into the scheme with himself, most of whom have lost money, including himself, and ALL of whom will never see their fortunes materialize, really believed that it was legitimate.

This man is still waiting and telling his friends that maybe, just maybe, the owners of PS are truly having issues moving servers (hint - it takes HOURS, not MONTHS to move servers). These true believers are still living under the delusion that they might get those long awaited massive returns on their investments!

What is crazy is that many of these folks, including the group leader, have been burned already in similar schemes, and they keep thinking that this time it's going to be different, or that God is somehow going to bail them out, even though they are taking a road that is diametrically opposed to what the God they claim to follow says is right.

Now, this group leader, whom I can only assume is not a lot different from other group leaders, is sharing yet another link to another scheme that will end up the same way.

I don't understand how the same people, many of whom SEEM to be intelligent, can keep on getting burned by the same kinds of PONZI schemes. Folks, do the math. THERE IS NO LEGITIMATE INVESTMENT UNDER THE SUN THAT PAYS EVEN 1% COMPOUNDED DAILY!!

Stay away from these things and do yourself a favour.
  1. Go to and take the WHOLE course.
  2. Go to and learn how to market online. Become an Adlandpro affiliate and learn how to make money with that.
  3. As you learn with Adlandpro, bring your own legitimate products and services into the overall plan you have developed, and start making money.
That's my rant and advice for today.

God bless,

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Profitable Sunrise
4/11/2013 12:59:52 AM
my can keep ranting like this all day and I will jump up and down with glee!!

Of all the points that you have made I like 1 2 3 and 4!


That's what I'm seeing from one of the group leaders of Profitable Sunrise.

I won't name names, because I think he really IS trying to be a good guy, and really HAS bought the whole lie, hook, line and sinker, that there is an easy and painless way to wealth.

Well, guess what? Some people will just NEVER learn! Profitable Sunrise had all the earmarks of a scam, right from the very beginning, yet this person, who brought a lot of people into the scheme with himself, most of whom have lost money, including himself, and ALL of whom will never see their fortunes materialize, really believed that it was legitimate.

This man is still waiting and telling his friends that maybe, just maybe, the owners of PS are truly having issues moving servers (hint - it takes HOURS, not MONTHS to move servers). These true believers are still living under the delusion that they might get those long awaited massive returns on their investments!

What is crazy is that many of these folks, including the group leader, have been burned already in similar schemes, and they keep thinking that this time it's going to be different, or that God is somehow going to bail them out, even though they are taking a road that is diametrically opposed to what the God they claim to follow says is right.

Now, this group leader, whom I can only assume is not a lot different from other group leaders, is sharing yet another link to another scheme that will end up the same way.

I don't understand how the same people, many of whom SEEM to be intelligent, can keep on getting burned by the same kinds of PONZI schemes. Folks, do the math. THERE IS NO LEGITIMATE INVESTMENT UNDER THE SUN THAT PAYS EVEN 1% COMPOUNDED DAILY!!

Stay away from these things and do yourself a favour.
  1. Go to and take the WHOLE course.
  2. Go to and learn how to market online. Become an Adlandpro affiliate and learn how to make money with that.
  3. As you learn with Adlandpro, bring your own legitimate products and services into the overall plan you have developed, and start making money.
That's my rant and advice for today.

God bless,

Dave Cottrell

2802 Posts
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RE: Profitable Sunrise
4/12/2013 10:56:48 PM
Finally, the end has come, that will surely convince even the most die-hard deniers: The Profitable Sunrise URL resolves to a redirect to a hair extension site from Hong Kong.

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