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David Rowland

194 Posts
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Toilet paper rolls, good fertilizer?
4/8/2013 7:58:37 PM
Did you know that you can take toilet paper rolls, and paper towel rolls, and use them as inexpensive seed starters? Take one end, and cut 3 or 4 slits in it, about an inch or so long. Fold those tabs over, to make a bottom to the roll to hold the dirt in. Then put in some dirt, or potting soil. Take a pen, or pencil, and make a hole in the middle of the dirt, drop your seed in, and lightly brush some of the soil over the top of it.
You can put these rolls in a pan, put in some water, and let the water be soaked up thru the bottom, or carefully water from the top. You want the soil to be damp so the seeds will germinate.
If you use paper towel rolls, you can cut them and get 3 planters from each roll. Other cardboard rolls work well also.
Once your seedlings are big enough, just plant straight into the garden, no need to remove the roll. The roots will grow right thru it as it decomposes. You can also put these rolls into your compost pile to decompose, and the worms will thank you for the extra food.
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RE: Toilet paper rolls, good fertilizer?
4/8/2013 8:31:02 PM

Hi David,

Good idea.

There are little kits too that will make pots from newspaper.

David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: Toilet paper rolls, good fertilizer?
4/10/2013 9:12:19 PM

Very true. I save the newspaper to mulch with though, which is why I start the seedlings with the rolls, or compost them. If you use newspaper to mulch with it needs to be at least 10 sheets thick to be effective, and you can also use cardboard boxes to mulch with. Just have to tear them into strips, or cut them to fit around the plants.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry