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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Petition For Toby - please sign it
4/8/2013 2:26:27 PM
Hi Branka and friends. Being myself owner of two dogs one 18 years old and the other 14 and having dogs cats and other animals around myself during my life I was heart-broken reading this story. Let's hope that this petition will make an impact.

Keep in mid though that these kids are not fully responsible for what they did. The society as a whole is responsible. If this kids were not given the example, they would never undertake such a horrendous acts.

To see acts of violence and horror all you need to do is turn on TV and scan through channels.
Act of this senseless torture to living being are just symptoms of sickness of our society.

Bogdan Fiedur
Branka Babic

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RE: Petition For Toby - please sign it
4/8/2013 3:23:10 PM
Hi Branka and friends. Being myself owner of two dogs one 18 years old and the other 14 and having dogs cats and other animals around myself during my life I was heart-broken reading this story. Let's hope that this petition will make an impact.

Keep in mid though that these kids are not fully responsible for what they did. The society as a whole is responsible. If this kids were not given the example, they would never undertake such a horrendous acts.

To see acts of violence and horror all you need to do is turn on TV and scan through channels.
Act of this senseless torture to living being are just symptoms of sickness of our society.

Bogdan Fiedur

Bogdan, you also made me cry, your heart could be felt here.
Now I tried to re-tell this story to my friend Jovanka, but can't. She doesn't speak English.
And I don't know to speak having like a big log in my throat.

Thank you for showing up here and for signing the petition and for all what you do.

Michael Caron

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RE: Petition For Toby - please sign it
4/8/2013 6:44:43 PM

10_1_136.gifHi Branka,

Perhaps I missed it, but is there a link to sighn this petition? I went on the website but could not find it. This is definetely a big problem that does have to be addressed once and for all. When I was a young teenager, there was a boy about two years younger then I that had a very disturbing hobby. He would catch stray cats and kittens, tie them by their tails in a tree, and shoot arrows doused in kerosene and lit on fire and shoot the cats. Neighbors complained, not because he was torchering animals but because of the noise they would make while dying. People laughed, saying that Horace was weird. When he was a couple of years older, he lured a younger girl into the woods. Once far enough in, he first beat her and then took her clothes off and raped her. After doing that he tied her to a tree and went back home. About three days later she emerged from the woods completely naked, went to the police department and reported the crime. After reporting the crime, she was put in a jail cell and charged with indecent exposore, Her parents were called and Horace was called. Horace was asked if he raped the girl and tied her to a tree, and he said he never seen her before in his life. He was released. The girl's parents were charged a fine and told that their daughter better not lie again and she had better keep her clothes on. I bring this up because even though this incident took place over fifty years ago, there has been very little progress being made. This boy got tired of killing cats and torured a girl instead. He was set free and his victim was charged with a crime. A child can be brought up in a good environment, however if another child introduces the child into the world of the macabre, and he or she likes the feeling, they will do anything that they can to continue this way of life. It has to stop.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Petition For Toby - please sign it
4/8/2013 6:54:11 PM

I confess that I could not read it all.

You have my vote and my determination to see human's respect their power and responsibility.


Diane Bjorling

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RE: Petition For Toby - please sign it
4/8/2013 6:58:55 PM
Hi is the link to the petiton


10_1_136.gifHi Branka,

Perhaps I missed it, but is there a link to sighn this petition? I went on the website but could not find it. This is definetely a big problem that does have to be addressed once and for all. When I was a young teenager, there was a boy about two years younger then I that had a very disturbing hobby. He would catch stray cats and kittens, tie them by their tails in a tree, and shoot arrows doused in kerosene and lit on fire and shoot the cats. Neighbors complained, not because he was torchering animals but because of the noise they would make while dying. People laughed, saying that Horace was weird. When he was a couple of years older, he lured a younger girl into the woods. Once far enough in, he first beat her and then took her clothes off and raped her. After doing that he tied her to a tree and went back home. About three days later she emerged from the woods completely naked, went to the police department and reported the crime. After reporting the crime, she was put in a jail cell and charged with indecent exposore, Her parents were called and Horace was called. Horace was asked if he raped the girl and tied her to a tree, and he said he never seen her before in his life. He was released. The girl's parents were charged a fine and told that their daughter better not lie again and she had better keep her clothes on. I bring this up because even though this incident took place over fifty years ago, there has been very little progress being made. This boy got tired of killing cats and torured a girl instead. He was set free and his victim was charged with a crime. A child can be brought up in a good environment, however if another child introduces the child into the world of the macabre, and he or she likes the feeling, they will do anything that they can to continue this way of life. It has to stop.




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