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Lydia Fokina

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/2/2013 7:57:29 AM

LOL, Henry (Only friends of Henry Godian can view his page)
Do You offer to take a loan from You to buy this green hedgehog?
Sorry, this green hedgehog is not for sale, it is priceless!
Best regards, Lydia

(Received from the TALK WALL of Adlandpro Community )

>I am Mr Henry Godian. a legitimate & accredited Loan lender . We render out

>good loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Home Loan,
>Student Loan, Business Loan, Investor loan, Car Loan, Debt Consolidation.
>Get back to us if interested on the details below:
>CONTACT: Mr Henry Godian
>E-m a i l:
>Please note: Our minimum loan sum is $5,000 Dollars Up-wards, Loans
application can be granted same day and it is 100% free (Risk).
>Best Regards.

>Mr Henry Godian.

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/2/2013 8:24:12 AM

Hello Lydia,

Great hedgehog.

Is it a sock with grass growing?

Ah, I see that it's oats.


Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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RE: Green hedgehog
4/2/2013 8:33:37 AM

Hello Roger!

Your reply is locked.

I recommend to give a more precise answer, for what it's done.The competition continues!



Hello Lydia,

Great hedgehog.

Is it a sock with grass growing?

Ah, I see that it's oats.


Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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RE: Green hedgehog
4/2/2013 8:55:20 AM

Hi Bogdan,

Your reply is locked. Yes, it is, but what for to do it?


Received from Bogdan Fiedur at the Talk Wall:

> It might look like some kind of grain sprouting.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/2/2013 10:34:46 AM
Hi Lydia,

Can it be an avocado just sprouting? If so, it will grow up huge.

An interesting contest indeed.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
