Hi Roger, This is an excellent idea for a forum thread. When I first joined Adlandpro Community I did so because like many others, I was looking for a place for free advertising, but I soon realized that AdlandPro Community was much more than that. Over the years I have gained a wealth of information and much more then that as well. I have gained friendships with so many wonderful people, some of whom lived close enough to us that we have gone out to dinner together. Although I count a lot of people as friends I would have to say that some of the ones that I have never met in person would be people that I would consider to be at the very top of my list. I leave out the word cyber when referring to AdlandPro Community friends because there is nothing cyber about people who step in and defend your honor, give you advice when you most need it, pray for and with you, and basically do everything that they would do if they lived next door. The friends that I would list at the very top of this list would be Sir Roger MacDivitt, Patricia Bartch, Luis Miguel, and whats his name, oh yeah Bogdan Fiedur. There is nothing cyber about AdlandPro Community friends. They are real people with real hearts that make a difference every single day of the year. GOD BLESS YOU ~Mike~ http://www.countryvalues65.com and, of course.....Real Aliens!!!