Hi Dennis...I am so glad to see you and that is a fact! You keep using the wording "your Adlandpro members" I would like to think that they are in a manner of speaking yours as well. We are a team of people who have been coming up with ways and means to make Adlandpro a great place to join for a variety of reasons and one that will help people learn about many topics and yes one of them is marketing. You are needed and wanted in this process and hope that OUR community will keep building, getting stronger in quality and content and that people will make this community a great place to be. How are you my friend...I have missed you! Diane
Hello Bogdan You have done an amazing job in this Feature I know it's just a start to great things for you and your Adlandpro Members.Things here in the Community are doing the about face and in your own words that you said to me a few months back (A Game Changer)
Hi all active adlandpro members this is so amazing and exciting for Adlandpro I am very pleased at how neat and user friendly you have but this feature together This is what forced activity is all about Credit Building,Prizes and Gifts had never failed Now to get the word all over the net is another step.People want good advertising that is seen by other active people in any community.It's something we all hope for and now adlandpro is handing it to it's members for the cost of there activity which is a huge trade off that adlandpro members can achieve very easily.
The thing that Adlandpro offers most to a marketer is the Direct Contact sends to 1000's This is going to take off once people know that credit building is in effect.
As for myself suggesting this feature to Bogdan thanks for everything but mainly it was easy for you to see Adlandpro taking this new course of action.You have so many talented people in your community it was only a matter of having the activity factor.
At this time i can see new life and growth building in Adlandpro.There is another Step we need to put in place that is a knock out ad and bomb splash page or pages promoting our new features in the Adlandpro Community.