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Diane Bjorling

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RE: General Discussion
3/24/2013 3:23:34 AM
Hi Justin and everyone. LOL I am so used to targeted discussion, joining in on a general discussion is kind of refreshing.

I am one of those people who has a T.V in my office and there may be times I have it on, but more for noise value than watching anything. When I do tune into a show, I have to confess that like you Justin I truly enjoy science fiction, mixed with shows such as NCIS and Bones.
I do so much work on the net, it is rare for me to get away from here and now having to learn to manage my time to get mundane tasks as laundry done...what does that say? lol

I have Netflix, but rarely use it..I find it kind of boring and the shows I would want to see, they don't have..figures!

Now Branka and her poetic way of saying things... I agree with Ken..she is a lady to watch with her humor and her way of wording things... she has gotten me so many times and I end up groaning and going...she got me

It's Saturday evening and trying to do 5 things at one time...hmm almost a normal evening for

Can you believe we are almost at Easter...good grief...where does the time go!!

RE: General Discussion
3/24/2013 3:30:33 AM
Hi Justin and everyone. LOL I am so used to targeted discussion, joining in on a general discussion is kind of refreshing.

I am one of those people who has a T.V in my office and there may be times I have it on, but more for noise value than watching anything. When I do tune into a show, I have to confess that like you Justin I truly enjoy science fiction, mixed with shows such as NCIS and Bones.
I do so much work on the net, it is rare for me to get away from here and now having to learn to manage my time to get mundane tasks as laundry done...what does that say? lol

I have Netflix, but rarely use it..I find it kind of boring and the shows I would want to see, they don't have..figures!

Now Branka and her poetic way of saying things... I agree with Ken..she is a lady to watch with her humor and her way of wording things... she has gotten me so many times and I end up groaning and going...she got me

It's Saturday evening and trying to do 5 things at one time...hmm almost a normal evening for

Can you believe we are almost at Easter...good grief...where does the time go!!

Yeah time definitely keeps going by faster all the time or so it seems anyways. I really like both the NCIS shows and Bones. I have just fell so far behind I havent been able to watch them lol. I try to keep up with shows as they aire but once I fall behind a week or so its hard to catch up again. Thanks for all the conversation here I really enjoy chatting with others without trying to sell something lol.
I enjoy talking with people that are interested in working together and communicating with others. If you are interested in chatting or joining a friendly team of people the best way to reach me is through Skype or Twitter. Skype Name: HRJustinPTC
Diane Bjorling

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RE: General Discussion
3/24/2013 3:38:36 AM
As I keep telling the world, I hate selling with a passion..mainly because I suck at it on the other hand I can babble like a brook..ha ha ha

Isn't it something they will say to you to not be distracted with a television while you are working, but I end up working so much I need the distractions to help get me back to some kind of balance and thus able to that reverse psychology?

So what are you doing for Easter?

Branka Babic

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RE: General Discussion
3/24/2013 7:38:54 AM
Diane & Ken, thanks for joining this general discussion.
Also, thanks for always being so kind, supportive and tolerant to my crafty ignorance :)).

Diane, by birth I belong to Christian Orthodox Chruch, and this church follows Julian calender. This year we celebrite Easter on May 5th. Easter customs are mainly the same like in Catholic Church. 7 weeks preceding to Easter we have a very strict fast, eating only vegetables, and on some days only drinking water. I used to fast in past. Now I am on a cool distance to the customs.

Wishing a nice Sunday to all!
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: General Discussion
3/24/2013 4:47:18 PM


How right you were when you said about being born in an English speaking place.

As a Brit I often, like most, take it for granted that most of the word uses English so much. My biggest regret is not learning Spanish. With my memory problems now it is a little late to learn.

