What weapon is powerful enough to pierce the heart with a single blow,
yet sweet enough to soothe a hurting soul? If you guessed the weapon of your words,
you’re right. Solomon tells us,”Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul
and healing to the bones” He also says,”Reckless words pierce like a sword.” No offense
but I will be talking to the wives on how they should talk to their husbands. Let me
state 1st off that I am not implying that my wife is guilty, but we all can improve our own
actions and words in our daily lives.
Spoken Words
As wives you need to consider the power of your words and the significant, impact they can have on your spouse
Deep in your hearts you know you need to be the encouraging wife, but somewhere between laundry, errands,
work, and housework you lose the energy and motovation to build up your spouses.
Did you take your vitamins to help you stay healthy? Words of encouragement
are alot like vitamins. Your husbands needs them to stay healthy. Often you get so tuned into
what your husbands do wrong that you don’t even think to encourage them for the good
things they do. But if you would start noticing and encouraging your husbands (positive
qualities) any of the negatives will be diminish.
Buzzard or Honeybee
We could look at this way, the difference of the feeding patterns of buzzards and
bees. Buzzards fly high, searching for dead and decaying prey. When they find
a dead and decaying carcass, they swoop down to devour it. Honeybees, in
contrast, only look for sweet nectar. They search through gardens filled with
flowers, using very discriminating taste.
Both bees and Buzzards find what they are seeking. So do spouses . If you are focused on your husbands faults,
you will find them every time. But if you are set on finding your husbands strengths, if you are actively
seeking out their goodness, you will find that too. How sweet a relationship can become when both spouses
are looking for the nector of one another.