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Re: A Praise!
1/13/2006 9:21:03 PM
Loving God,We praise Thy name,because Thou art Holy,Holy,Holy,Lord God Almighty!We give you thanks for carla and for her ministry of music.Take her Voice and let her sing,always only for our King.And let them be filled with messages from Thee.WE pray that Thou will give her the strenth to deal with the mentaly challenged kids.Give us your love and your grace,with which we are rich enough, and have no more to ask.In Jesus name we ask.Amen
Re: A Praise!
1/13/2006 9:36:39 PM
Thank you for this message of praise. Lawton
Re: A Petition
1/13/2006 9:37:53 PM
Take my heart for Thine abode, my mouth to spread abroad the glory of Thy name.My Love and all my powers for the advancement of Thy people,and not suffer the steadfastness and confidence of my faith to abate, so that I can say use me Lord,unto Thy will.For here I am At your Service. Thank you lord For James William,and all the gifts and Blessings that Thou hast showered upon their family.Thank you for his greatful heart.Bless the Lord Oh my soul,and forget not all his benefits.In jesus name we pray.Amen
Re: A Praise!
1/13/2006 10:06:12 PM
God omnipotent,We praise thee with all our hearts and voices!Your mercy endureth forever.Heaven is your seat and there Your glory dwelleth.The angels at your command. All your creatures praise you.Oh my soul,for thy part Praise The Lord! God our Father,we thank Thee for Jeanie,give her your word and a touch to fill the lonely life,use her, dear lord,for whatever purpose and in whatever way Thou mayest require.May she live in the brightness of Thy presence like true followers of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Re: A Praise!
1/13/2006 10:19:49 PM
Oh,Lord and our Saviour,we bow in Thy presence in humble adoration,We bring brother Lawton at thy feet,and dedicate him unto Thee,Lift up your Light of your countenance upon him.Let your peace rule in his heart,and let it be our strenth and our songWe commit ourselves to your care and keeping.Let your grace be sufficient unto us. Be with him as he walks each day,and as he tends to his garden,and as he reads and participates in Bible study.Enrich his life that he may bring glory unto Thee.We pray in Jesus name Amen.

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