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Study Finds that Pesticides Double the Risk of ADHD in Our Children
3/11/2013 5:56:07 PM

Study Finds that Pesticides Double the Risk of ADHD in Our Children

by Tony Isaacs

(The Best Years in Life) For years environmentalists and natural health advocates have been trying to point out that organophosphate pesticides (malathion, etc.) work by disrupting the neurological systems of insects, and therefore humans who consume it on foods are at risk of neurological problems. Now, after millions of kids have been diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder), it is finally being admitted.

In a study published in Pediatrics, researchers from the University of Montreal and Harvard University found evidence strongly indicating that that pesticides could be a major cause of the alarming rise in ADHD in our children. Children who had high than average biomarkers for organophosphate pesticides were nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. Previous studies found that pesticides may contribute to hyperactivity and cognitive problems in animals, but the new study is among the first to determine that it affects humans, too. Read More.

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives
RE: Study Finds that Pesticides Double the Risk of ADHD in Our Children
3/11/2013 6:02:35 PM
What about those company's that say they use Green pesticides? I wonder..... I quit using flea pesticides on my dog. Now I use all natural. I use Tea Tree oil on him also. The company I am associated with has dog shampoo with tea tree oil, and jojoba oil in it. It keeps the fleas off the dog and keeps him looking clean. Their cleaning supplies, which are all natural, also can be used to spray around the house to keep bugs away. They have a recipe for all natural bug spray, which is not only good for the house but it can be used on gardens to.
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