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Diane Bjorling

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Fake Followers and remembering the adage "Cheaters never prosper"
3/10/2013 5:48:31 PM
You Can Buy 1,000 Fake Followers for $18, and That’s a Huge Problem for Twitter|WebProNews|Adlandpro disucssion

I was following a conversation last night among a group of community managers about what is fake and what is real, specifically with the issue of "buying twitter followers" ( or Facebook followers Instagram followers and I am hearing of buying G+ followers
< gasp>) and I had to shake my head.

While buying followers is not new in social media, the fact is it has the potential of having a nasty and in many cases a public backlash in negativity...translate not only will it not help you, in the end it will really hurt you in what you are attempting to do....but boy is it tempting especially if you are new to social marketing or marketing.

Why do people buy followers?

1 To build their fan base quickly
2 To be seen as an authority or socially relevant
3 ego or vanity

Here is the reality

Its very shady!

  • The followers you are buying are more likely to be robotically created accounts!
  • They wont generate any value to you!
  • Your real followers will see the sham and will usually unfollow you!
  • These bought followers will still not get you your goal..buying from you or sharing with you!

The Danger of Fake Followers

These fake followers can incur phishing hacking and even infect your real fans with spammy links!

Hackers love to find ways and means to get your personal information Here is a question for you... how did you pay for these fake followers? Did you use a credit card? If so, the hacker now has an important piece of identification and a way to your heart hard earned money!

The reality is that buying followers is bad practice and the reality is that when it comes to social media always think in terms of quality over quantity.

Develop your presence organically, reaching out to others, find out what people want, use humor and good information that will help your me the dividends that you get back will last for a very long time!

One last thought about fake followers..would you cheat at a board game? When you buy followers this is how you will be seen...cheating and as we all know cheaters never prosper!

A great tool to see if you have any fake followers is

A great article for you to see how buying fake followers is a huge problem ( with a great infographic) can be found:

Ken Wolff

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RE: Fake Followers and remembering the adage "Cheaters never prosper"
3/11/2013 9:18:04 PM
I have no desire to buy fake followers. I appreciate the tool you provided a while back where you could evaluate the followers that you do have and un-follow those who were less than what you want in a follower. .I did lose track of it. I am hesitant to let Status People add and delete followers for me and send tweets on my behalf. Can you tell me more about that. I sure do agree with what you say about having fake followers.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Fake Followers and remembering the adage "Cheaters never prosper"
3/11/2013 10:54:03 PM
Hi Ken, sorry for the late reply my excuse is's

I believe that the tool you are thinking of is called : justunfollow and here is their link

The tool that I put on the post Fake follower check is literally just a check and they wont do anything, but it will help you understand your followers. While there is an don't have to use it
For example

fake followers: 1%
inactive 3%
Active 96%


Fake followers 2%
inactive 1%
active 97%

The reason I started to use this tool and it was not necessarily for my personal account, but it was to check on some people who were following me that had me get that gut feeling that something was not right and sure enough they had a very high follower count, compared to who they were following.

Hope that helps

I have no desire to buy fake followers. I appreciate the tool you provided a while back where you could evaluate the followers that you do have and un-follow those who were less than what you want in a follower. .I did lose track of it. I am hesitant to let Status People add and delete followers for me and send tweets on my behalf. Can you tell me more about that. I sure do agree with what you say about having fake followers.
Ken Wolff

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RE: Fake Followers and remembering the adage "Cheaters never prosper"
3/11/2013 11:09:06 PM
Thanks Diane! No, that is not the link but I do appreciate it and will use it ( the StatusPeople’s Fake Follower check link.

We were talking about cleaning up the Twitter account somewhere.

I will find the other on when I have more time...but it is Monday. LOL Busy busy day.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
RE: Fake Followers and remembering the adage "Cheaters never prosper"
3/12/2013 1:52:55 AM
I definitely agree.

I like to earn any followers that come my way, because it adds value to them and to me whether personally or in business.
