Hi Team!
It is so exciting to see the results of SiteXplosions TE-Takeover program.
"The concept of the takeover is very simple. We work together as a team and smother one Traffic Exchange with SiteXplosion. Effectively making referral advertising a team effort. Now, we have also added a small twist.. We are going to reward YOU for being part of the team! For every 1000 views from the targeted exchange you will be rewarded with $.50! No need to claim it, we will update your account automatically on Sunday when we start the new takeover. To get started all you have to do is add you SiteXplosion splash pages to your TakeOver Rotator ... and add that link to the target exchange. Every time someone views your rotator inside that exchange you will be credited ... " Check out all of the posts in each thread of the SiteXplosion Team in AdLandPro forum. See how we work together to build your downline in all of your programs. You are encouraged to start your own thread in this forum posting your videos, graphics and affiliate links. We will all work together to promote your downlines in all of the top rated exchanges on the Internet. This weeks takeover is at
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