Dave, Told a individual the other day on line who rubs elbows with the Guru's. To pass along a little Fart Brained Marketing Message. It might give you a chuckle. It might give you something to share up the latter in your organisation. Millions of people are suffering at the hands of the globalist. So I told our guru to the guru's friends this. Put out a product that helps people do their business better for -free-. His reply was.."some of those products cost 10 grand 30 grand are you nuts? My response... If the product works it doesn't matter. Sell up sells, that make it work cooler but not to make it work right. Millions get the free product. Conversions on up sells are highest ever seen 30% 50% 80%. If the guru applied (say) 3 up sell that do not require each other to work proper and the free version works with out them. Vahlaa....Millionaire over night. Tuh-dah....Honored guru mission statement. Shazam...Guru's redeemed. He said his brain was melting lol. Some Guru's they are huh? Try born with silver spoons in their mouths lol. Point shot gun at toes and squeeze trigger lol. Red flag #1: No real contact info. Red flag #2: They get weird when you say. Folks are hurting and no it's not a matter of choice. Many don't want vaccines and it's not illegal to say no. doesn't stop armed truant's from forcing parents to shoot that crap in there child's arm though does it? Thanks for reading Jeff