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Brand NEW ThinMagic Tropical
2/28/2013 10:30:51 PM


Our original version of ThinMagic helped people across America lose up to 100lbs and a lot of inches. Our new enhanced formula will take it to the next level.

ThinMagicTropical NEW.jpg

Please join us tonite at 9pm ET, dial 1-832-225-5240 pin 21265#

On the NEW ThinMagic Tropical far I've lost 9lbs without having any cravings...AND lot's of energy !
I'm feeling amazingly very good.
For any questions please contact me
Thanks, Chris
Listed below are just a few of the Power ingredients contained in our
NEW "ThinMagic Tropical" product

*African Mango - Irvingia Carbonesis 10:1 -

Tanya Edwards, MD, M.Ed.
Dir. Center for Integrative Med, Cleveland Clinic.
Irvingia, an extract of the West African mango, has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes in Africa for many centuries. Recently, there have been a few studies on the use of this extract for weight loss. As an obese nation, we are chronically on the search for that magic pill which allows us to eat whatever we want while losing weight at the same time.

In the two randomized trials in overweight and obese humans using Irvingia, participants in the Irvingia group lost on average 5-10 pounds/month compared to the placebo group. Neither group made any lifestyle changes during the trial. They also noted that cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels improved significantly compared to the control group.

*Green Coffee Bean Extract - (50% Cholorogenic Acid)
The Dr. Oz Show conducted its own experiment.
To test the effects of the green coffee bean extract for The Dr. Oz Show, the show's Medical Unit conducted a project under the guidance of experts including Dr. Caroline Apovian and registered dietician Kristin Kirkpatrick.
It is the largest project the show has ever done.
The show's Medical Unit enlisted 100 women between the ages of 35 and 49 who were overweight.
In two weeks, the group of women who took the green coffee bean extract lost, on average, two pounds, more than twice as much as the women taking placebo pills.
The most recent study on green coffee bean was published in January 2012. Researchers followed a group of 16 adults who supplemented with a special green coffee bean extract of chlorogenic acids for 12 weeks. All 16 adults were considered overweight, as demonstrated by a BMI of greater than 25 (a normal BMI is between 18.5 and 25).

The extract the researchers used contained a standard green coffee extract of total chlorogenic acids and other hydroxycinnamic acids that have been known to have antioxidant health benefits. The subjects lost an average of almost 18 pounds - this was 10% of their overall body weight and 4.4% of their overall body fat.

*Raspberry Ketones - Metabolic-Boosting Raspberry Ketones. This is a compound found in red raspberries; it basically slices up fat cells, making them easier to be burned as fuel. These ketones also help keep you feeling full and help to keep cravings under control.

Choline Bitartrate - Linus Pauling Institute - Choline:

Choline is an organic vitamin-like nutrient that aids the body in creating a number of important substances and compounds. Choline is regularly classified within the B vitamin family because it has similar traits and operates in conjunction with them. The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine noted choline's importance in 1998 and categorized it as a vital nutrient..
Choline deficiency has been linked to impaired memory and brain function, fatty buildup in the liver, gastric ulcers, high blood pressure, inability to digest fats, impaired kidney function and stunted growth.
By assisting in the production of lipotropic agents that are able to reduce the amount of carbohydrates transformed into fat and promote the body's manufacturing of good cholesterol, choline plays a significant role in boosting the health and function of the bladder, kidneys, liver and pancreas.
Choline plays a critical role in our overall health and maintenance, as it holds antioxidant properties that support the development, healing and preservation of our glands, organs, bodily tissue and other systems. Furthermore, choline manufactures phosphatidylcholines, a class of phospholipids that is vital to the preservation and health of cell membranes.

Mucuna Pruriens - Mucuna Pruriens Dopamine Benefits:

What are the important benefits of having a healthy amount of Dopamine in our bodies? More energy, improved mood, better mental focus, more motivation. Sexual benefits include increased serum testosterone, increased libido.
Other Mucuna Pruriens Benefits:
Improved mood and feeling of well-being
Mental clarity
Better sleep
Anabolic: increased lean muscle mass, decreased fat
Increases bone density, helps reverse osteoporosis
Smoother skin
Stronger immune system
Helps regenerate organs
Healthier cholesterol profile


* New Thyroid control ingredient - triggers the Thyroid and stimulates 200 hormones.
* Energy Boosters
* Appetite Control
Case orders are placed already to retail the ThinMagicTropical
(order as a Preferred Customer)                           

Take Care of Your Health with AmericanDreamNutrition's ***** You can be a Distributor or *****Just for YOU ~ It's your turn for success! Start offering Free Bottles to everyone you know, MAKE IT HAPPEN ~ ***** TalkFusion By Alexa #1 Business Opportunity in the world! TF "The World's 1st & Only INSTANT PAY Global Comp Plan!***** **** ***** I'm looking for people who are ready to make a Lifestyle change! Please contact me for your questions ~ Chris
RE: Brand NEW ThinMagic Tropical
3/1/2013 6:40:56 PM
Dear Friend,
So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health. ~A.J. Reb Materi #quotes
Where there is no commitment, there is no OWNERSHIP. And where there is no ownership, there is no SUCCESS.
The NEW web site is up and looks great !
Have you seen/checked it out?
Take Care of Your Health with AmericanDreamNutrition's ***** You can be a Distributor or *****Just for YOU ~ It's your turn for success! Start offering Free Bottles to everyone you know, MAKE IT HAPPEN ~ ***** TalkFusion By Alexa #1 Business Opportunity in the world! TF "The World's 1st & Only INSTANT PAY Global Comp Plan!***** **** ***** I'm looking for people who are ready to make a Lifestyle change! Please contact me for your questions ~ Chris

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