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Luella May

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A Renowned Heart Surgeon Debunks Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Fears
2/13/2013 5:23:20 PM
A Renowned Heart Surgeon Debunks Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Fears

by Paul Fassa

(The Best Years in Life) The myths of cholesterol and saturated fat as the evil instigators of bad cardiovascular health and obesity are slowly, very slowly, crumbling. Still, even many alternative and natural health sources still clamor about those cholesterol issues and avoiding those terrible saturated fats.

The latest research is proving that we need abundant healthy fats in our diets. Most cooking and salad oils are not of that ilk. All processed, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils (aka trans fats or trans fatty acids) need to be shunned completely. Use only cold pressed natural oils for cooking and salads.

Most processed foods use those cheap, health destroying oils that actually are harmful. Low and no fat diets deprive you of healthy fats, including real butter and coconut oil, eggs, dairy and animal fats from free roam and grass fed poultry and live stock.

Introducing Dr. Dwight Lundell

Dr. Dwight Lundell has been a heart specialist MD and surgeon for 25 years, having performed 5,000 open heart surgeries. He was Chief Surgeon at the Banner Heart Hospital in Mesa, AZ, and he ran a successful private practice.

This is how he begins his personal testimony: "We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong." Read More.

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: A Renowned Heart Surgeon Debunks Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Fears
2/13/2013 7:16:55 PM
Hi Luella,

I just bought this book.
'The Cure for Heart Disease: Truth Will Save a Nation English Edition'

My doctor wants me to take statins to lower cholesterol but I've been reading about them and found that they are causing more harm than cholesterol itself. My brother in law who used them got diabetes on top of heart problems. So far I have resisted her advice and use natural ways of lowering cholesterol.

I hope this book will give me further details how to deal with high cholesterol without being affected by merchants o big farma.

Thanks for bringing this info here.

Luella May

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RE: A Renowned Heart Surgeon Debunks Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Fears
2/14/2013 10:54:13 PM
Hi Bogdan,

The book looks like a good one. I am so glad that you are not being pressured into taking stating because yes, statins lead to heart disease and other health conditions, some deadly. But then again, what is "high cholesterol"? The medical profession has lowered the high cholesterol standards to ridiculously low levels. A healthy level is in the 200 range. And keep in mind, as we grow older, our cholesterol level naturally gets higher. The body "needs" cholesterol for proper functioning. The brain for one to maintain healthy seratonin levels. The fact that too much cholesterol leads to heart disease is really a myth. The only time one should be concerned is if cholesterol levels are over 300. And then, the culprit isn't really cholesterol, it is body inflammation. So the root of the problem needs to be addressed, the inflammation. When the body is inflamed, the liver produces additional cholesterol to protect it.

Below are additional suggestions for lowering cholesterol naturally. Not only that, they're good for your overall health.

My Best,
Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: A Renowned Heart Surgeon Debunks Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Fears
2/15/2013 2:21:52 AM
Hi Luella,

I have been reading Dr Mercola for years. I get his news letters daily. I have learned so much from his web site and news letters. He too talks a lot about fat, the good fat, how we are so deprived of the good stuff. When oleo came into play, remember how good it was for you,ha, ha, that was the beginning of the heart problems.

Grape seed oil is wonderful for seasoning. I use it to fry green beans and cabbage. It gives them a wonderful flavor. Grape seed oil can handle high heat.

Luella May

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RE: A Renowned Heart Surgeon Debunks Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Fears
2/16/2013 1:39:53 AM
Awesome Myrna! You are a woman after my own heart, and so well informed. Yes, I am a big fan of Dr. Mercola too. But I can't get him to be a guest on our radio show. Sigh. Guess he considers us small fry. lol. But............ We did have Charlotte Gerson as a guest last year. Woo Hoo! Awesome lady! She is the daughter of Max Gerson of the Gerson Cancer Protocol and now mans the Gerson Clinic. THAT was a treat!

Nerium AD, breakthrough in skin care The Best Years in Life, a website for those who want to live healthy and happy lives

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