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Michael Caron

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RE: Herbal Remedies for Colds
2/11/2013 4:46:31 AM

10_1_136.gifHi Luella,

It seems that there are multiple problems going on. She is in good spirits, but they are dealing with her Cumadin Levels as well as Potasium levels and a couple of other levels as well. I guess her Potassium is leveling out, however her Cumadin seams to go from one extreme to the next. The doctor said that if everything looks good tomorrow she can go home. Shirley said that she will have to be sure that everything is on track because she doesn't want to go home tomorrow and be back in on Tuesday. I want to find out what kinds of herbs they will recommend for cooking to keep everything stabilized.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.