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Ken Wolff

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/8/2013 3:50:44 AM
Hi Dave!

I was looking for the graphics that Mark Dewey put together which we could use for promoting Adlandpro. He said they would be in the learning center. I could not find them. I could go back to the home page discussion and track them down but don't have the time right now. They should be easily accessible and will help with the affiliate program.

Another way to use earned credits that would be very useful here is to be able to gift them to members in our downline. They could be used as incentives for referrals who join. I have done that in other communities quite successfully. You can see in my signature line Join and Receive 10,000 Credits While They Last! I have 325 members 5 levels deep in my downline there.

More ideas to share soon but right now I need to get a message out to my downline in TopTierTraffic.

Hi Folks!

If you haven't been on the wall recently (Wow! You GOTTA get on there!! lol), you may have missed Bogdan's BIG announcement: We're just a few days away from the first full month of the new Adlandpro Credit System and being able to redeem your credits!

It's not quite finished, but take a look and see what GREAT PRIZES are up for grabs!

You can redeem your credits for Direct Contact, Traffic Exchange and Ad Impression credits, and you can ALSO redeem them for some very high quality merchandise!

If you are an active Adlandpro affiliate, this is going to be a GAME CHANGER for you, when you use this information to recruit new affiliates.

If you are not an active Adlandpro Affiliate, don't you think that now is a good time to get active?

Just tell people about this new credit builder, and I guarantee they're going to be interested!

Till the next update, God bless,

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Dave Cottrell

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/8/2013 5:31:58 AM
Hi Ken,

Your idea about being able to give away earned credits is one I like and I will recommend that to Bogdan.

As far as the graphics Mark has put together, I suggest you message him about those.
The programmer is working like a madman to put everything in place, but I think Mark can actually give you the link to where you will find those graphics.

Thanks for the valuable input.

Ken Wolff

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/8/2013 7:39:51 AM
Hi Dave,

I really thought I did that earlier, but I checked and see that it still needs to be done. It is after midnight but I will send Mark a direct message before I fall asleep!

Hi Ken,

Your idea about being able to give away earned credits is one I like and I will recommend that to Bogdan.

As far as the graphics Mark has put together, I suggest you message him about those.
The programmer is working like a madman to put everything in place, but I think Mark can actually give you the link to where you will find those graphics.

Thanks for the valuable input.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Mr. D

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/8/2013 9:44:11 AM
Good Morning,
I am not one just to throw up a new thread without putting some thought and graphics to go with it. The AdlandPro Learning Center will have them there in time. You will not have to look for them when they are uploaded. Sorry for any delays and as Dave mentioned, I am only one person and extremely busy.
Diane Bjorling

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RE: The Adlandpro Affiliate Forum
4/8/2013 12:28:04 PM
Good morning everyone. I was reading about the idea of "gifting" the credits, but I must respectfully disagree as that would be taking away from the idea of what the earned credits are for. The credits are a great way to learn how to be social and be rewarded and a good "sell" point to itself and don't forget there there is the incentive for people with the "100 friends"...which by the way is another way for people to learn how to be a good sponsor and really help their "downline".. ..

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